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NJ vegan with gluten intolerance and POTS. I touch plants when I take walks. I work as a digital librarian, but I also sometimes make art with my wife. We stopped when COVID hit, but we are making our way back to it.
I spend a surprising amount of time staring at my open phone screen, just trying to remember what I was going to look up. The thoughts? They’re gone.
Reposted byAvatar Ashli
It's damning of the state of healthcare that they are reinstating mask mandates at cycle races before they reinstate them in hospitals.
Tour de France reintroduces mask mandate amid COVID-19 New measure follows spate of abandons due to coronavirus
I cannot stress enough how liberating it is to mute things. When I start to realize I’m getting stressed out, I mute things. It’s great, you should try it.
Do you ever just thing about that one character in Orphan Black with the tail? I do. A surprising amount, actually.
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TIMELINE CLEANSE feed, for those who need it!
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Psst! Some fun new things just landed in my shop! Pass it on! #sculpture #astronaut #art #bsnm
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Plumping up the brush set before 7/15. I think I'm aiming for 16 Procreate brushes? Thicknthin has so many different personalities! I'm envious of artists who draw fine lines, but I want that variability as much as possible. All these are made with traditional marks I drew for other illustrations.
I have made a habit of telling my family to remind me of tasks that I might forget. The side effect has been that I sometimes remember. 🙌
I can't tell what I miss more: 1) cons 2) the energy to do cons 3) the safety of doing cons without worrying about a disease that'll disable me further Feeling very wistful as I'm in bed reading about folks going to cons.
As I get older, it’s not that I don’t have the ability to understand how things work, but that they don’t work as intended/advertised with ease. So I get overwhelmed-angry and want to smash them. Like my WiFi extender that disconnects itself SO OFTEN and the lights don’t match the app and it 🤬🤬🤬.
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this summer is all about me and reverse mermaids and risograph machines
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Where are my fellow bug lovers at?? 🐞🦋✨ Bugs are Neat stickers available in my shop:
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Astronaut Vessels ready to be fired for the restock. Painting these was cathartic.
When I’m trying to go to sleep, there’s a sweet spot where everything is normal. Beyond that, I start to hallucinate? But with my eyes closed (until it’s really bad). Just startled myself when I closed my eyes and found Weird Al up in my face space. Curls bobbing around, too.
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Here is a really good example/guide on writing alt-text that's been going around :)
Avatar have you been to the aquarium in Camden? Just saw they’re going to be doing Shark Summer, which sounds fun.
My soul leaves this plane of existence when I have to do anything on the work server from the home vpn connection.
I’m re-watching Farscape for the umpteenth time and I am struck (again) by how unhinged Crichton is. Like how do his shipmates know when he’s being himself vs when he has lost the plot? He’s always saying nonsense.
In my late 30s I have accidentally rediscovered the joy of sleeping more than 9 straight hours at a time. I just woke up from a 12 hour sleep!
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Friday’s fancy bug is this little connoisseur. I’m travelling back from a two-week visit to Lapland and, let me tell you, the mosquitoes there are something else! 🦟 #kidlit #kidlitart
So, I decided to expand that into a series with a couple of more illustrations. Here’s fancy bug number 2: the tiny horse fly, world famous dressage champion. #kidlit #kidlitart
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CDC: COVID is a health threat that can surge all year round. NY Democrats: The pandemic is over, let's ban masks! The mask ban is anti-science, anti-public health, anti-safety. Take action to stop the mask ban⬇️
The CDC has finally acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 is not a typical “winter” respiratory virus, and COVID-19 is a threat that can surge throughout the year. Source:
COVID Advocacy COVID Advocacy NY
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Pointing again at my US Blue State Challenge. If you live in a "blue state", pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and find a group in that state working on that issue and support them.
One thing I don’t understand is why, when people are outraged by some injustice or affront — like book bans — they don’t first look to see who is already tracking the issue, who’s already working on education + organization. “We need to do something!” People *are*. Find them. Help them.
One of my three major leg scrapes is still really bad. It’s right on my knee and is the cause of all my random nerve pains in that leg. I want the equivalent of one of those Barbie tables from pizza boxes but for my leg when I’m in bed. Even if it’s bandaged it hurts.
Today I did a big trip-and-fall over some uneven pavement and my appendages are all fucked. I bled openly down my leg for a good mile before we got bandages. Now every time I move it stings and I hate it. Feel free to send me Good Things to make me smile.
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Oh wow, I should have anticipated where this thread was going but I didn't 🧪
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
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This is a perfect example of the yard related content you can get from 10/10
yeah thanks. I have however many dozens of nice shrubs, but you go for the wheelbarrow. sure
Guinivere turned 15 today! I love her so much. She got a bit of a birthday cookie and ran around with it til it softened in her mouth.
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life's too short to read the blatherings of wackadoo transphobes
NJ is slacking.
Look not trying to do the whole Philly vs NYC thing buuuutttttt, both PA and NY have 62 bubbles left. Neck and neck