Asher Langton

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Asher Langton

Malicious software researcher. He/him. Durham, NH.
that's from a year or so ago
Trump’s gonna pull a Schilling and put some ketchup on the bandage for maximum drama.
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Please, please take a minute to read this. It got around on The Bad Place - but we'll need to do some outreach/education here on Faked and Cruel "nature" photos.
You didn't know that you needed a picture of a tiny frog riding a giant beetle, but now you do.
When whimsical wildlife photography isn't what it This photo looks cute, but it reveals the cloudy intersection of wildlife photography, animal welfare issues and photojournalism integrity.
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I'm going to keep beating this drum: just expand the court to 70 to 100 Justices or so so that NO SINGLE JUSTICE matters that much. That's it. That's the plan.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
that's one way to spin an eviction
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A MAGA, QAnon police chief in Tennessee has been working with conspiracy mongers outside law enforcement to conduct off the books “sex trafficking” investigations out of his garage. In one recording, he suggests taking one suspect to an out-of-jurisdiction jail where he’d likely be killed.
'Disturbing' recordings from inside child-predator sting shows police, MAGA operatives ignoring What happens when you give people with bizarre conspiracy theories a gun and a badge? Secret recordings from inside the troubled Millersville Police Department provide a sobering answer
Bouie and Yglesias are in no way comparable when it comes to Just Asking Questions™. Or anything else.
sure, I’ll take this one: whatever level of transphobia Bouie and Yglesias possess, they as individuals are within the bounds of discourse right now. That doesn’t mean you can’t yell at them about their transphobic takes but it does mean you can’t follow them around and scream at them on principle.
Is the first one really $150? Or did you find a more reasonably priced variant?
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lol, you can refresh Stickermule’s Instagram page to watch them lose followers by the thousand in real time.
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it's not that he's changed his mind about trump, really. it's more that he's changed his mind about hitler.
I get that he’s taken it all back, including when he said he feared Trump would be America’s Hitler, but I guess my position is… I have never gone to work for someone I’ve ever in any point in my life compared directly to Adolf Hitler… and it’s a fair question…
Trump Taps J.D. Vance as Running Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he has selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate.
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are there screenshots? yes, brother, there are screenshots.
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I’ve made a lot of jokes about the J.D. Vance sparkling water story from Hillbilly Elegy, to the extent that it probably sounds made up, but you owe it to yourself to read the real thing if you haven’t
Anyone announcing this place is too toxic so they’re going back to *X* is not a serious person.
Quitting social media? Sure. Moving to Threads? Okay. But going back to X to avoid toxic behavior? Lol. Lmao, even.
Please fire up the bullying machine.
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Go back to Twitter or Gab or Truth Social, you Trump-supporting traitors. Nobody wants you here.
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*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
Town hardware store has a new cat!
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Melania's statement was clearly generated by ChatGPT 3.5
Yep, I've been wearing logging chaps. Hot as hell in this weather but beats the alternative.
Huh. I never would have guessed that.
The electric cut pretty well until it ran out of juice. Red oak is pretty tough, apparently. Dealing with gas *is* a pain. Had to get ethanol free gas from the local airfield, and the engine is a 2-stroke so I have to mix in oil. It’s *really* loud but runs relatively clean.
Bought a “real” chainsaw. It’s fun, despite the brutal heat this weekend. Didn’t even lose any limbs or digits! Making progress on the large red oak, revealing the hickory underneath and a number of smaller trees damaged or knocked down when the oak fell.
Started trying to buck the fallen trees (big red oak, smaller shagbark hickory fully down, another hickory with a large broken branch still hanging) and my electric chainsaw made it through about 2.5 cuts on a fresh pair of batteries. So I guess I'm buying a big-boy chainsaw this weekend.
Most of the oak is in good shape, and I rough cut some bowl blanks. But the base of the tree was hollowed out and rotting.
Also found this tangled in the base of the hickory. I have no idea what it is. Previous owner must have hung it as a decoration?
If Trump was only hit by flying glass, my objections here might not apply. (It wouldn’t mean the shooting *was* staged, just changes the calculus.)