Rosemary CG

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Rosemary CG

A shy nerdy girl with a 45 caliber mouth. Paramedic, DMs Guild author and fandom dinosaur. (She/Her) 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
A pair of juvenile hawks are in my yard right now and I got this great photo of one looking right at me. They're obviously juveniles and they're idiots. I saw one fall off a tree branch and then pretend it didn't.
Girl I'm working with today told us a about a 16 year old they had to take into the city because *someone* came up and shot him in the top of the foot.
Laughing about how during #DnD tonight I put in a trapdoor leading down into the basement level, which I tried to hint about, but the players decided to jump in a hole in the floor instead. Taking an unnecessary d6 of damage in the process.
So before a call we were doing I was just going to run into a service station to the restroom only to discover that an entire tour bus of elderly people was in line for it. We went across the street because we had places to be.
I feel bad for snapping at my partner because the staff at the ER ignored us for 15 minutes before giving report on our patient and then *just happened* to be ready to give it after I went to the bathroom.
Remembering the time my *cough* previous employer made a big PR push about how they would be installing Amazon Alexas in certain ambulances. And they never answered everyone's first question which is how they would insure it was HIPAA compliant.
One thing that frustrates me about Star Wars Acolyte is there is some good stuff there under bad writing. And it's telling to me that the best scenes have been when no one is talking.
A friend of mine said a guy they work with was surprised to hear they hadn't gone to Pride this year. Never mind my friend has bad anxiety around crowds and sensory issues, which he knows. I swear cishet people sometimes think if we don't go to Pride we get our membership card revoked.
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Thoroughly enjoying one of my favourites, Mr David Tennant, being extremely relaxed about saying things which are true.
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Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
The war is over. The bad guys won.
It's funny to me that the scientist in the latest episode of The Boys is played by Omid Abtahi, the exact same guy who plays Dr. Pershing in Andor, because his characters all work for the worst people and have terrible luck.
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Second, Wanderers 8! With cover art from Calysta Long and SET/SUNA, character art from Reik Lopez, and amazing writing from, Wanderers 8 presents ten new pregen Wanderers! Designed for the world of Aesyr, you can easily adapt them! 2/2
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We got some fun Wanderer titles out today for #DayLITEFantasy! First, Wanderers 7! With wonderful character art by a stunning cover from @RyanRodero and splendid writing from eight fully-build wanderers set sail! 1/2
House of the Dragon is so much better than it has any right to be given how much of a disaster the last season of GOT was. One of the things they're approaching with some subtlety is how the main women in this story keep getting undermined by the men in their lives who think they know better.
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Second, the Lieshyn! These wonderful forest giants written by with stunning art from @/jolkiens and bring new life to them, drawing from trees the world across. 2/2
Very excited to see this out!
Some wonderful new lineage books out today! First, the Caberdanians! Writing: Art: and These cowfolk are filled with worldly inspiration! 1/2
Look I'm fine with people criticizing the Star Wars Acolyte show but it's funny people are going off of stuff like complaining it's "woke" when there is plenty of other stuff you can criticize because the writing is dogshit.
#LionsLedByDonkeys has a bonus episode where they were talking about a sticky bomb they attempted to develop in World War II and it had an unfortunate tendency to stick to everything but the tank and the most common thing it stuck to was the pants of the guy trying to throw it.
Someone just drove by with a boat named "Frequent Flyer" on a trailer and it made me laugh because that has a very different meaning in my line of work.
The Boys is really going after Qanon this season. They directly reference the guy who showed up at Comet Ping Pong with a gun (including the "we don't even have a basement" part) among other things that are just barely exaggerated from what these people actually believe.
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There's an ad making the rounds in my podcast feed demonstrating AI voices and does no one else notice that they sound like dogshit? "Your podcast could sound like this" Why would I ever want it to?
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Haldskyr #0 - Falling Star is available now from Get it here: When a falling star is spotted, Em and Zee set off on a dangerous mission: to find where it is falling. #comics #ttrpgs
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elephants follow star maps. they show off their babies to friends. they have burial grounds. they call each other by name. they get drunk of purpose, for fun.
Well the oriole feeder has proved to be a worthwhile investment. I've seen both a male and female which I hope means it's a breeding pair.
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Always repost the Tolkien family rager
The best postscripts to an invitation I've ever seen. [via Scott Ruplin]
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my favourite point that she makes is that actually, it's not just about being sensitive (though it's also about that) - it's about how in the good old days, the mythical golden age where you could say anything about anyone, they didn't even let women (or PoC, gay people, etc) in the door
Great interview with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, with sharp observations about the "political correctness in comedy" discourse
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(clears throat) Let me be very clear and direct here: FUCK every single ghoul who has spread #vaccine misinformation over the past few years. Watch a child suffering from pertussis just once and it will change you. This is fucking preventable and these babies have no choice. They rely on us.
UK whooping cough death toll rises to 8, people urged to get Since January there have been 4,793 confirmed cases of whooping cough, compared with 858 in the whole of 2023, with one academic describing the size of the current outbreak as 'alarming'.