
I’m sorry but this is fucking loser shit. Absolute bottom of the barrel fatalist loser shit.
"It was a tough debate. That was Joe Biden on his worst day. The good news is every other day will be better."
I mean, Golden is a known shitheel, no? I think was talking about how much he sucked the other day
there’s a reason i said i would prefer eating shit and canvassing for marie glusenkamp perez over golden, golden fucking sucks, he’s manchin without any of the actual governing clout
Wait. What is wrong with Marie Glusenkamp Perez!
i particularly didn’t like her pushback on student loans but she’s leagues better than golden
At least her interview didn’t try to minimize Trump’s threat. She honestly sounds defeated, almost despondent. But she also said she turned the debate off after five minutes, so she can’t pivot to all the horrible things Trump said.
Pretty ridiculous for a sitting member of congress to completely collapse in defeat after watching only 5 minutes of a 90 minute debate
It’s honestly just a major Democratic leadership failure (both from the campaign and also from the House and Senate) to not circulate talking points and tell people to lock shit down.
Private discussions are fine, but this kind of public emoting makes any outcome worse.
One would hope that this is something that Jeffries/Pelosi/Schumer get on now that some of the more spineless members are starting to show that theyre buckling.
Schumer is about the mosr spineless of them all. When Republicans have the majority McConnell runs the Senate. When Democrats have the majority McConnell runs the Senate.
In general yes but I doubt MGP is in the habit of taking orders from leadership
They should really drill into the freshmen that the media isn't their friend, and that they should never talk to one without their PR rep like they wouldn't talk to the police without a lawyer