Auburn, Troublesome Twink πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ¦ŒπŸ„

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Auburn, Troublesome Twink πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ¦ŒπŸ„

Auburn/[REDACTED] | 2nd most guessable boydyke on bluesky | πŸ”ž18+ no minors πŸ”ž | 22 | he/she/it/deer/pup

boyhole at
Hey dude, wake up. You really had us going there for a minute. Bluesky? Discourse? What the hell are you talking about, we're midway through this monopoly game and you got really scared and freaked out after taking a very minor hit off these stems. It's September 10th 2001, everything's fine dude.
cis people! today's as good a day as any to give trans people your money in some way! such as, for instance, buying their music! such as, for instance, this music! (it's rly good song 3 always makes me cry)
Instrument Studies One: Juno, by 6 track album
I think my shoe size has gone down again, my size 10s are feeling slightly more clownish than usual
there may be a controversial alternative,
More of the same, that's what the people need, that'll be the way to fix 14 years of tory rule, more of the same, truly managerial
cis people! today's as good a day as any to give trans people your money in some way! such as, for instance, buying their music! such as, for instance, this music! (it's rly good song 3 always makes me cry)
Instrument Studies One: Juno, by 6 track album
you can't just go on the internet and say "keith starmer is a shortass lmao" you have to say, "The Right Honourable Prime Minister of Great Britain, Sir Keith Starmer is a shortass, lmao"
Apropos of nothing. Did you know its not illegal to dilute your own estradiol concentrate and costs fractions of buying OTC? Woops I dropped this pdf.
trans people will do whatever they need to transition regardless of legislation. we will do it anyway. they know this. the reason they take it away or make it harder is purely because it results in more dead trans people. you cannot convince me otherwise.
Producing Transdermal Estrogen: A Do-It-Yourself This guide describes how a small collective produced and distributed transdermal estrogen using reproducible do-it-yourself methods.
remember that trans people would rather resort to horse piss than detransition. we have always been here. we always will be no matter how hard you try to quash us.
TIL i am exactly the same height as keith starmer ....lmao what a shortass
listen my political stance is pretty straightforward, I want more people being fed, and less people being feds
Lisan al-Gaib !
I'm très passing? why thank you officer, i like to think so too
yeah I'm a small, green, and gay blood magic user im the hemoglobin homo goblin
when are we as a nation gonna accept that football doesn't want to come home? it's changed it's number, gone no-contact and gone to live with it's polycule in Spain we're not seeing it again
Assassination attempts tend to be good for their targets unless they are very bad for their targets.
still no vids on bluesky so I get to just post my goofiest shapesℒ️ from yesterday
I cant post directly about the football today because, of all the shit i've posted on here, I honestly think not wanting england to win would be most likely to get me fired from my job
hey so, is there such thing as like, a fatally bad ear infection? asking for a former united states president x
of course this would be the first song to come up on shuffle today ☠️
It is politically necessary for England to lose tomorrow. A new labour government and winning football will lead to levels of centrist tumescence and smugness not seen since the London Olympics, and will bode extremely badly for any progressive politics.
the only thing that can stop a bad girl with a gock is a good girl with a gock πŸ—½πŸ˜Ž
queer people are still definitely just as susceptible to the kind of sexual ignorance that comes from too much porn. if you're gonna 'destroy a twinks ass,' it's on you to be emotionally prepared for the violent 45 minute shit he takes in your bathroom the following morning :/
guess which stupid twink broke her glasses and has to wear these awful old ones til they're fixed
the playing celeste to being a trans rock climber pipeline is real
Do not let The Football convince you that England can be redeemed
Handing Steve Bray this headline and a gun
more like livid, languishing, and lamenting