Hey Carrie Ann

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Hey Carrie Ann


Not very good at any of this. Extremely Midwestern. I follow for Wisconsin content. AuDHD. Am probably missing the joke. She/they/Dude

Banner photo is Lake Monona from the Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin, on a glorious June day. PFP by my kid 🏳️‍⚧️
Or really, six chapsticks scattered in drawers at home with one chapstick cap in my purse
Making sure I have an adequate amount of ginger cat hair on my new clothes. He’s super-helpful.
I cannot read contemporary romance about “high-powered” businesspeople without hearing Vincent Adultman. “I went to stock market today. I did a business!”
I nearly set my disabled kid’s bed on fire tonight. While they were in it. I am alternating between feeling revved up and crashing, and I have a very painful partial-thickness burn on one finger, but my kids and pets are safe and my house is intact. It was really scary to see the flames, though.
I may be writing romance, but historical accuracy is still important to me
Our dog boarding/daycare sends us pictures of our dogs every day they’re there and today we got this. Worth every penny we spend.
Red and Cookie like daycare a lot
Quote with a picture of you outside
Post a picture of you outside:
Took my daughter out to eat with friends last night and came across our first cybertruck out in the wild. It had a sort of cool carbonized finish but still looked like a prop at a sci-fi amusement park.
If you see this, I IMPLORE you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation.
If you see this, I IMPLORE you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation. (I keep this one saved within easy reach on all my devices)
“I wasn’t finished! This is intolerable! I demand compensation!”
I hope you feel better soon! Here is Cecil waiting for the vet today and yelling at me about it. He somehow broke his xyphoid process - the cartilage at the bottom of the sternum. He’s okay, it just confirmed has poor depth perception.
They have no sense of personal space or time or possessions, but the minute you want the teeniest of boops, they’re all annoyed.
Luke Evans for the three(some)
It was cloudy for the earlier, pink aurora, but when it cleared up, my camera saw this (in my urban light-polluted backyard, with a streetlight behind me)
My great-great-great grandpa built this entire chapel by hauling big stones up a hill on his back in thanks to God for not taking all his kids with diphtheria - he *only* lost three. He was grateful because it could have been worse.
This boy got loose and went after the neighbor’s chickens. Twice. We caught him the first time, but Animal Control got him the second time. He chases our cats and chews our shoes and farts audibly. He is currently snoozing on the living room couch, very much alive. And loved.
We have a cat tree in our partially finished attic just for this reason.
I can’t get the camera to really capture how bright his color is. He truly is my sunshine.
Fitzwilliam Darcy helpfully keeping the black pants I am wearing to a funeral today warm and furry. Such a thoughtful cat.
Housesitting for my mom’s cats. Went to sleep to the yipping of coyotes, woke up to the calling of sandhill cranes. I’m glad she doesn’t let the cats out anymore.
Saw this guy at a stoplight today, living their best life