Hey Carrie Ann

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Hey Carrie Ann


Not very good at any of this. Extremely Midwestern. I follow for Wisconsin content. AuDHD. Am probably missing the joke. She/they/Dude

Banner photo is Lake Monona from the Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin, on a glorious June day. PFP by my kid 🏳️‍⚧️
Being an American arriving in the UK on the day Labour wins in a landslide has been a treat, I have to say.
The Brits know how to do an election night. We can't do it the same way, because we have a zillion different federal, state, & local offices up for grabs on the same day, plus ballot initiatives & referenda. But one night with elections to a single legislative house is so pure, it's fun.
Reposted byAvatar Hey Carrie Ann
lmao I called my local coffeeshop to see if they were open today--my fave barista happened to pick up & she was like yep we're here and also we have almond lemon loaves left [one of my go-to pastries] truly if you want the benefits of being loved you must submit to the embarrassment of being known
Sub in “Democratic” for “Labour” and “dessert” for “pudding” and I will be saying this on Nov 5 in the US.
“Cultivator of only the best ideas”
I am in an airport on my way to London with my trans kid to take them to camp there, and we are now discussing how they want to be addressed in order to hide the fact they’re trans-enby. They are just as trans, but they are now afraid to show it. In 2024 Europe. WTF is wrong with these people?
I’m losing human rights Ned
The chiropractic kiosk at the MSP airport is possibly the most Midwestern thing I’ve seen yet.
My middle-aged mom friends were the ones climbing through the windows of the Wisconsin State Capitol to occupy it in protest of the Governor’s anti-union laws. At least the ones that had babysitters (I didn’t).
The host of the VRBO we are supposed to stay at in London has not responded to any calls or messages. VRBO has promised it will reach him or find me another place to stay. I am dubious about the first option. Please send good vibes - this apt was on an air-con underground line.
I chose a VRBO because I need a kitchen and hotels with kitchens are not common and are at least twice the price. If I could have found anything comparable I would have chosen that.
Becoming a parent brought home the understanding that these are all our kids like nothing else did.
My friend Dr Davis has a new reaching gig and has some book needs. You should buy kids some books!
www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/... if anybody is feeling flush, here's my booklist for the fall. The school has a good budget but the less I'm digging at it, the better.
Check out my list on Amazonwww.amazon.com
Wasn’t there just some, “dogs are annoying” discourse around here recently? Seems suspiciously timed now.
Orville Peck singing the first verse of Midnight Ride is my number one aphrodisiac.
I read a Western frontier romance last night and the hero was described as having a lovely deep voice, and this skinny gay punk drummer-turned-country singer voiced him in my head.
My husband calls it “going middle-aged white man” on them, because there’s not a good male Karen equivalent. He works very hard to only do it when absolutely necessary.
Or really, six chapsticks scattered in drawers at home with one chapstick cap in my purse
So the good news is no polyps but the weird news is that I have something called a “tortuous colon” and boy howdy they aren’t wrong.
For a long time I was muting because I wanted to see if I would miss people’s input into conversations because I was being grumpy but it turns out, Dear Reader, that I do not miss them.
The “nuclear time bomb will go off if we don’t torture this guy!” remedy was always meant to be getting pardoned by the next Pres if it was really justified, I thought
I spent the Bush years getting paid to help families who lived in shelters or their cars move into new, clean big apartments where everything worked - and stay there. It was an incredible privilege and while this kind of work is often infuriating, it feels amazing to be *useful* in these times.
Get yourself a prison pen pal. Humanize someone that the government has worked so hard to dehumanize. Massive fight against fascism win. Do a book drive for people in jail or prison, if you're in a state where they are still allowed to receive books. Education is power.
Every time I think I have seen the most brain-dead take ever on here, I am unpleasantly surprised.
Quick, I want my propofol back.
Make a band bready Buns n Roses
Make a band bready Hootie & the Poolish
Making sure I have an adequate amount of ginger cat hair on my new clothes. He’s super-helpful.
The non-terminally-online Dems I know are perfectly happy to vote for Biden, because of stuff like this. This whole discourse is bizarre to me.
Bringing back Roe with a full-throated endorsement of first trimester abortion, more climate action like the IRA, student loans, and several other marquis issues in line with the Sanders 2020 promises. He's not a damp waffle, and if you read the transcript, it's exciting stuff!
Where I am it’s Hmong farmers, doing truck farming. We have a giant farmer’s market here, but it doesn’t make a dent. My mom’s people farmed not far north of this place, and I learned about it years ago. beltmag.com/wisconsin-bl...
Wisconsin’s Black Farming Traditionbeltmag.com Since the mid-1800s, agriculture has created a path to agency and freedom for Black people in Wisconsin.
The stat of Black farmers is interesting, especially given the prominence of them in urban farming. The last farming community I worked in was very Hispanic, for multiple generations. People with the last name of Zimmerman speaking fluent Spanish. And so, so much of Farm TikTok is gay.
One of my kids has had literally dozens of surgical procedures that permanently altered their body, but were not necessary to save their life. Yet because they were orthopedic, no one has ever questioned our decisions, nor our right to make them.
23 bottom surgeries a year and to put puberty blockers and hormones in perspective, the most recommended treatments beyond social transition, is only about ~1200 patients for puberty blockers a year out of ~50k kids seeking gender related care and less than 3000 patients receive hormones