
A famous example of correlation not being causation was "ice cream causes skin cancer", because in the past ice cream was eaten outside on hot days mostly, so the more people had the more likely they were to be in the sun. This is that.
I doubt they'll be looking back at much with that attitude.
Yeah, I guess they might have one good eye left, if they're lucky.
So in this theory it’s mostly eyes that get sunburned…and skin cancer 👀
Doing a five minute Google dive on Alexis J. Cowan, PhD, I can't tell if this is a conscious scam or if the cheese has legitimately slid off her cracker.
She put too much glue in her cheese
It’s not the point of what you were saying, but I’ve never heard the phase “the cheese has legitimately slid off her cracker” and it made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
It's such a wonderful descriptor, isn't it? I LOL'ed the first time I heard it, and immediately swiped it for future use.
It’s a conscious scam. Looking at her IG she has a linktree where she is selling and marketing shit. There is a legit Alexis Cowan who graduated from Orinceton and is a post doc at UPenn. She’s clearly was a part of a team at Princeton doing a shit ton of research according to Google Scholar.
People like her just boil my blood. They abuse the science and use it to scam people. While others of us try to maintain a shred of moral standing about what we know and don’t. * I am not a scientist, I’m just someone who applies the science.
Yeah, she seems to be a real person. I guess my discomfort comes from watching a couple friends slide into legitimate schizophrenia. When I see someone who has been tethered to planet earth in the past suddenly seem to come unmoored, I’m like “Oh no, not again… or, wait… is this a bit?”
It’s why I have felt increasingly awkward dunking on Naomi Wolf.
2/ I’m watching her on a podcast and they are talking about astrology. Just because she knows one field does not mean she knows others. She clearly lacks skepticism.
Oh, I’m picking up what you’re putting down there. You know it’s a mantra of mine.
I love that image and I’ve sort of gathered that over the years. 😂 There are too many “smart” people out there driving like a Tesla on autopilot.
1/ Yeah schizophrenia is so devastating. These are the people I’ve worked with for the past 30 years. While I would not rule out a serious mental illness (SMI) in this case, that’s a low probability event.
Protecting yourself against solar radiation causes cancer? I guess these are the same people who think vaccines cause disease, so maybe it makes sense to them.
Contrarianism is a mental disorder.
It's not an uncommon believe among science deniers. It basically boils down to the idea that since sunlight is natural and essential to life on Earth, it's therefore impossible for sunlight to be harmful in any way.
I would like to put them in a room with too much oxygen and then see what they have to say... Or too much water.. Or fire.. all of those essential for life.
I think their silly reasoning is that our ancestors without sunglasses used to think, “it’s too bright out here, my eyes hurt” and go inside. Thus reducing their risk of sunburn and skin cancer. Ignoring the centuries of long sleeves and hats
You could use the same reasoning to argue that warm clothing causes frostbite. It’s really dumb.
Princeton University, ladies and gentlemen.
I share this sentiment... just imagine how strong humanities feet would be by now if we didn't pussy out and start swaddling them in shoes thousands years ago? The decadence of the past has lead to the weakness of the present.
Parachutes are the reason we can’t jump out of airplanes naked.
If we took everyone on Earth... and chucked them all out of planes... left the survivors alone to breed and rebuild... then chucked all of their children out of planes... eventually... I think we'd be able to pull it off.
We’d eventually develop skin flaps like flying squirrels. It’s only science!
All it takes is for one big daddy flappy to be born due to random mutation and he will be pulling down so much post-plane pussy his kids will glide on to a bright new future. Earth belongs to the Squirrelfolk now... if only we had stopped the Plane People sooner!
I'm genuinely curious how they think glasses gives you sunburn.
RIP to those who get flooded with this bs daily online and age horribly while having a bad medical time.
Luv 2 wear my glasses, sunglasses, and sunscreen living in a sunny state
How do sunglasses cause cancer? Like I get what the idiot is saying but how do glasses cause it even if you believe the other bits
Some people think staring at the sun is "beneficial", letting them "absorb the energy" somehow, so they think anything blocking light is bad regardless. It's been around since the 20th century or earlier, and as recently as 2009 a group of churchgoers went blind doing it.
But that’s the sun not sunglasses I still don’t get how the sunglasses themselves are making cancer
The sunscreen->skin cancer one is likely a UVA/UVB argument. I don't know enough to say whether research has been done on it.
Does that mean people shouldn't... You know what? Nevermind.
rawdogging the Sun now... gonna work great
The sunscreen conspiracy is going to end up doing almost as much harm as the MMR conspiracy fuckwits did in the 2000s
So if you really don't like skin cancer get some?
I kinda miss seed oils in this list... somehow they are getting mentioned in this regard quite often.
The meteor will get us all by then
Sunglasses give you skin cancer. Why are people just allowed to go around saying things?
I think she's putting her contacts in incorrectly.