Nate Parker

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Nate Parker

Just a guy standing in front of a social media platform, asking it to not turn into a dumpster fire.

Also a writer for Pajiba. All photos are my own work.
This Doctor isn’t allowed to park his TARDIS writhing 300 yards of a school.
Sitting in the dark as I smoke a couple of Boston butt (phrasing) and wondering how many bears I’ll attract (not phrasing, but if you play your cards right…)
*Now* can we break out the guillotines??
At least he didn’t ask me if I had a personal friend in Jesus.
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JIMINY GLICK: Now you, you, you, you—your cars, they tend to run over pedestrians. Or else BURST into flames. ha HA isn't that wonderful! ELON MUSK: *the least convincing laugh of all time* GLICK: *tucking his legs under himself* You bought a website where no one likes you. Why?
Every Massachusetts driver (including me): LOL. LMAO, even.
if you regularly go 10 mph over the speed limit they should take your license away permanently
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Everyone’s mourning Donald Sutherland by naming really great movies, and I want to point out that he was also the best thing, often the single redeeming thing, in some lousy movies that people still love because Donald Sutherland.
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The Sandy Hook parents should get whatever punishment they want from Alex Jones, period. If one of my kids had been massacred in kindergarten and some braying jackass in the media not only called it all fake but made millions off doing so, I wouldn’t stop punching his face until they tased me
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Massachusetts folks: I’ve been seeing a TON of this plant everywhere. This is black-swallowort, which is super invasive as well as poisonous to some animals and butterflies. It also grows super fast and crowds out other plants. Plant experts ask that you uproot and destroy it:
Invasive, Butterfly-Killing Weed Spreading In MA: Black Communities in eastern Massachusetts are trying to raise awareness about the fast-spreading and toxic plant.
Chances of my 53-hour "Something for Everyone" playlist selecting a T. Swift song while my Swiftie daughter is in the car: 1 in 10 Chances of my 53-hour "Something for Everyone" playlist selecting a T. Swift song while I'm alone: 7 in 10
This isn’t actually a difficult question to answer: food prices are so ridiculously high, as high as they were during Covid, that feeding your family is a challenge even if you make decent money.
a lot of people misunderstand the "vibecession" debate. the question isn't "is the economy good?" the question is "what explains the unprecedented disconnect between consumer sentiment and economic performance?"
📷Western Massachusetts gang violence takes many forms. One of the worst is the fly-by pecking. 🪶 #Photography #Birds
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remind me, when companies create an actual revolutionary technology that is going to change the world, do they usually have to beg users to adopt it, give it away for free for years, and at last resort force it on people with no way to disable it? Is that usually how revolutionary tech works?
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JUDGE: “Surely this fourteenth warning will cause the man to see the errors of his way and respect the rule of law.” LARGE ORANGE DEFENDANT: “I will throw your child down an elevator shaft. I will kill your dog then cook it well done and eat it.” JUDGE: sadly writing a fifteenth warning
I had a visitor to my bird feeder last night. I use the hot pepper seed mix to keep squirrels away, and it works pretty well on bears too. He opened my seed barrel but didn’t even eat any of it, which is a first.
I'm not nearly intelligent enough to explain or solve anything about the Israel/Palestine situation. But, like... If Timothy McVeigh had hidden under a hospital in Tulsa, would it have justified the National Guard dropping a bomb on it?
NSA Jake Sullivan: "Israel has an unusual, even unprecedented burden in fighting this war bc Hamas uses hospitals & schools & other civilian facilities for military purposes... it does not lessen Israel's responsibility... [but] we do not believe what's happening in Gaza is a genocide."
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Jake Sullivan: "Israel has an unusual, even unprecedented burden in fighting this war bc Hamas uses hospitals & schools & other civilian facilities for military does not lessen Israel's....
Once again demonstrating why New Hampshire is the Florida of New England.
Representative Jesse Edwards, a Republican New Hampshire State Representative, called teens “ripe” and “fertile” when speaking against a bill that would raise the state’s minimum age for marriage from 16 to 18. Despite his remarks, the bill passed in the state’s House of Representatives.
New Hampshire lawmaker calls teens 'ripe' and 'fertile' while speaking out against bill that would ban child Representative Jesse Edwards, a Republican New Hampshire State Representative, called teens "ripe" and "fertile" when speaking against a bill that would
📸"Please sir, can I have some more?" #Photography 📷 #Wildlife #Squirrel
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tech CEO: we are inventing corn nuts that are soft
Reposted byAvatar Nate Parker
Nothing has confirmed to me that people on Twitter don't know how basic things work more than taking over a company. They think I walked in four business days ago and told a unionized writers room to drop everything and join the global infitada. In reality I'm trying to get them moved off of Cigna.
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Reposted byAvatar Nate Parker
The thing to remember about the New Hampshire Libertarian Party is it’s exclusively made of meth-addled chicken pluckers, so the best thing to do is ignore them.
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Breakfast joints all suck because they try to act like two eggs is a normal amount and three eggs is a lot of eggs. It's just not true, and it's part of the FDA conspiracy to keep the citizens weak