firm believer that wet rooms are evil

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firm believer that wet rooms are evil

careening around having Situations
An acquaintance who thinks Chat gpt is the best thing ever sent me this and while I personally support real human artists, i kind of love it and want to frame it and hang it on my wall
“Kids been gettin’ blazed on a new combination of ketamine and Febreze and then fuckin’ a goddamn sofa. They call it the Vance Pants Dance.”
Extremely niche local post but I just picked these two up from daycare and before we left one of the staffers insisted on giving both idiots extra snuggles. If anyone up by me is looking for a place to take their dogs, I cannot recommend Camp Bow Wow in Stamford more highly. They rock so much
If only we had some sort of governing body who could put rules in place that did not actively incentivizes large corporations to abandon sustainable corporate stewardship
I'm not sure the capacity is disappearing but the incentive to do things purely for the public good is gone as is the general sense that "the public" is a community of people who have to actually engage with each other in ways that aren't actively harmful
"The Economy" doesn't have a mind of its own and it's not inconsistent to say The Economy as a whole is doing pretty alright while individual people and sectors are struggling. What sucks is the government actively incentivizes poor corporate stewardship in furtherance of bad policy choices.
See also: student loans. That shit is 100% policy, The Economy™ would love if everyone was spending that money in the market (see: pandemic rebound due to stimulus). there's a ton of economic value in social safety nets, which is why our parents are all collectively richer than we are
Yeah it all gets conflated but the upshot is it's different buckets of money coming from different places and Congress has chosen to allocate the bulk of its budget to military bullshit instead of critical domestic issues
They're different issues. At the macro level the economy is pretty good, but that's all independent of the continued government policy choice to abandon the social safety net. SSDI should be inflation adjusted and pegged at a MUCH higher starting rate than it is
Part of what makes the SSDI stuff so infuriating is that the economy IS pretty good! Systemic poverty is 100% a policy choice, just like the deliberate and intentional choice to not regulate health insurance companies (imo insurance and utilities should all be organized under a co-op model)
The one about being abused and harassed by OneDrive
I know I'm Officially Old™ because yesterday I posted a dumb meme on Instagram and my 20yo sister asked if I knew who the guy was (I did not) and she laughed at me
My favorite thing about the replies to this thread is that every long term mutual is like "here are some ways to psychologically torture your dude" and everyone else is giving helpful, actionable suggestions and both camps are excellent
It probably depends on your version of word but I'd be curious if look closely when track changes are on to know if there's a pane for those and then the in-line comments are outside that pane. My guess is it's because you can have comments on independent of track changes and vice versa
Because I'm looking at two things side by side on an ultra wide monitor usually lol
Yeah I mean I'm confident he's never done this in an office environment or in public, but I get that it's just a thing that happens lol
i think there are several white dudes who are all basically suitable but i also think they should string the veepstakes along as long as practical, because it's getting walz and beshear, et al, on TV to make fun of Vance and stuff, and that's good free media you don't throw away lightly
Kamala should pick Tim Walz just for the curiosity of having the biggest possible apparent age gap of any Presidential ticket composed of two people who are the exact same age.
He can't, its built-in 😭 tbh I don't think it would help either, we both get tunnel vision about work stuff
My husband insists on working in his office with a closed door and noise cancelling headphones on which would be fine except for the part where every single time I need to talk to him I have to physically go into his office and touch him and he's got the strongest startle reflex of anyone alive
It's only ever us and the dogs in the house. At least once a day I will walk in there to ask some random household management question and he won't hear me knock or call his name (because he refuses to use transparency mode) and screams bloody murder when I touch him on the shoulder
I was pretty short with him about how it's not cool to call multiple times in a row and then I almost lost my temper when I asked how he got my number and he said "LinkedIn" because FUCKING MESSAGE ME THERE THEN
I would get started on Teams but the app would have to connect to my headset first 😂
I love being cold called by recruiters multiple times in a row before 9am only for them to act like I'm the asshole when I pick up and don't know who they are or want to discuss a job opportunity right then and there
Yes because that's totally something I can install on my work computer in my job at a global bank with 100k employees. At least be funny if you're not going to be helpful or sympathetic