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Snark is my love language.
It's a mixed bag, but every dollar these billionaires spend on extravagant crap goes in the pocket of working people who provide the extravagant crap. I think we are more offended by the wealth gap evidenced by this sort of extravagance.
This breaks me. 😞 She will never recover from what was done to her.
Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man.
The thing about the march to fascism is that aside from the terror and the consequences it’s also so goddamn embarrassing
i'm ira glass, this is this american life. this week's episode: the divine right of kings. is it such a bad idea? our first story begins on a beach in hastings,
Saw a Pride flag on a lawn next to a sign saying “SAVE THE PORN INDUSTRY” and I honestly don’t know if it was ironic or not.
bro if MY ass cheeks are clenched like this then everyone who works for the Joe Biden campaign must be crushing walnuts
*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* “Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation…”
whenever ppl justify still being on there b/c “exposure” or whatever i cannot fathom who they think they are appealing to. what remotely normal people are still tolerating that shit, AND the pervasive ads & scams, AND the truly monstrous userbase
The older I get the more I feel like striving to be a good and kind person is an act of rebellion in a hateful world.
Microdosing the call of the void by closing my eyes in the shower
Giant murder chickens in evening sun. #DogLife
What's easy for you can still be hard on your clients. I was a lawyer for too many years when I learned this. Source: The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries.
If you are outside of the US, or have a VPN that *cough* allows you to travel outside the US, the full episode posts to his YouTube on Sunday evenings. If you are inside the US, the "main story" posts on Thursday, 5 days later.
John Oliver did a deep dive on Project 2025 tonight that should be required viewing. Frightening shit. Hasn't been posted on their YT channel yet, but it's a must watch. Great reporting.
I wish I could conceal my existential despair and brain-crushing boredom" look during Zoom meetings.
(Normal = neutral expression concealing existential despair and brain-crushing boredom.)
you could call it "Ayn Rand syndrome"
People with no empathy always think they’re smarter than everyone else
I question how expensive/difficult technological solutions would be. How hard would it be to prevent telephone number spoofing?
key distinction is there’s a kaleidoscope of tools you can use to manage your email to avoid ever seeing it while there’s literally nothing you can do with your phone except a few lagging behind apps and lists. also emails do not carry the cultural import of a phone call
Do a search through your email box for the word unsubscribe. Then, for each hit, click on the unsubscribe link. 95% effective. Keep doing this for a few weeks. Any companies that persist, mark them as spam and you will never see them again.
it's less "unsolicited malware from unknown sources" than 25 years ago, and more: a neverending stream of promotional material from every website you have ever looked at because emails are required for signup and marketing and notification emails are automatic opt-in for almost all of them.
Preach it louder for the kids in the back.
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
Compassion and empathy are not the same.
Yeah, I feel like it’s different in people with autism. I’ve met, dated, befriended many, and while some of them may have had trouble empathizing or understanding at times, I never felt that any of them ever lacked compassion.
Hey remember when Utah launched a carelessly thrown together form to report trans people in public spaces? New snitch line is up, but requires a Utah IP address to submit. Would be a real shame if a bunch of people used VPNs to fill it with useless data again.
wake up bluesky a new utah snitch line just dropped (you'll need a vpn if you're outside utah for this one)
Hotline Form |
Courtesy of user @ xdanielArt on the former birdsite: This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of Adobe alternatives I’ve seen, sharing here to save an artist’s life, wallet and livelihood 🙏
Clarence thomas reveals wrist tattoo that reads "wanderlust"
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
My weapon for pride month is finished. Say hello to Mariposa. I'll post more pics below
"They're not hurting the people they should" is more universal as an attitude than perhaps one might like.
FRIEND: when you said you were ‘struggling with having a man’s body’ i thought you meant dysphoria stuff ME *hauling trash bags*: Did you bring the fucking lye or not
My apologies to the Italians I wasn’t familiar with your game
the other day I saw someone say in earnest that “neurotypical people don’t remember their mistakes, only neurodivergent people do” and with the power vested in me I am taking these terms away from everyone for at least a month
explaining some online beef to a normal person