
your periodic reminder that the only people who earnestly use the term "Judeo-Christian" are anti-Semites
Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath. Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.
btw sure take the whole weekend off knock yourselves out
'Jews and the people who tried earnestly for centuries to kill us, and are now hoping we will forget that and unite with them against Muslims' is not pithy enough, apparently.
This Judeo- wants no part of institutionalized -Christian “values”.
“Judeo-Christian” jumped the shark more than 2,000 years ago. Even sharks don’t live that long.
Oh, is that a bad term? I always heard it used growing up but this is my first time hearing it’s anti-Semitic.
It drips of "oh sure them too," and it's absolutely insincere. Go ask "the Judeo-Christian tradition" folk what day the Sabbath falls on and see what they tell you.
*mutters* at least we're not papists
Is your papists comment in reference to their love of alcohol consumption while watching football Sundays?
I'm reading Guy Delisle's graphic memoir "Jerusalem." The schools, businesses, etc. have three different Sabbath days depending on whether they're Jewish, Muslim, or Christian. European husbands & kids got together Sundays when the Christian schools were closed but their wives were working in Gaza.
As a former Seventh-Day Adventist, I have (or rather, remember having) Opinions on this question
My understanding is the primary purpose for the invention of that phrase was anti-Muslim, but it also subtly supports the idea that Christianity is the legitimate successor to Judaism, and that Judaism should therefore be relegated to the past.
Sure, just sitting around reading the Old Testament here.
It’s being racist by pretending you’re magnanimously not racist in order to be racist.
It is used by Christians to get buy-in from white Jews to support white supremacy (“We have the same values!”), which historically has NOT favored Jews, no matter what promises are made to the contrary.
Jews have WAY more values in common with Muslims (neither of which felt the need to “update” the deity of their original Mosaic texts w/a man-god who grants grace on faith rather than demanding moral action) than either of us do with Christianity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
Sorry I typed too fast! “Abrahamic” is the better term than “Mosaic” (I don’t know about Islam’s relationship to Moses…)
I hope nobody's making you feel yelled at or ganged up on, even simply in terms of volume of response. (Are they?)
No, not at all! I’m glad to get the info. I’m not sure if I’ve used the term before myself, but I surely never will now that I know what is really meant by it.
Oh good. Because I know that sometimes getting lots and lots AND LOTS of online feedback/information all at once can be uncomfortable. Carry on, then. 👍🏻
It’s good to learn new things! :-)
It's an attempt by Christians to co-opt Judaism and try to pretend that there is a shared value system (which right-wing Christians represent, of course). Small example, when these people say they want the Sabbath as a shared day of rest, I doubt they mean sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.
I mean, my local synagogue did a Pride seder in which they explicitly called for LGBTQ+ liberation. Let's see these people integrate that into their "Judaeo-Christian" belief system.
I grew up Evangelical (not sure your background) and the older I get the more I understand it. Judism and christianiany are at odds - Christianity requires Jesus as Messiah and that is oppositional to Judism. Additionally, quietly, if Cxtians believe in Revelation, Jews are just there to be used.
This has a little more info about it than I have the knowledge to share. Additionally, in my experience xtians feel a weird sense of ownership here they aren't entitled to. It's not every evangelical but I think they ALL need tp examine it. Also I only learned/considered this a few years ago.
*shrugs hebraically* So what else is new.
Apparently the phrasing started in the 30s and that's even earlier than I thught
Blue laws were soooo popular in Boston. That's why nobody ever drove up to New Hampshire on Sundays and there were no package stores right on the border.
Bergen County, NJ which, I might add is home to two of the largest retail malls in the state (well, it is if American Dream counts and my brother G, who works for the county executive, says it does,) still has Blue Laws.
It's a term that christians use to indicate that they will tolerate (some) jews as long as they mostly act like christians, but definitely not muslims, hindus, buddhists, or atheists.
FWIW I most often hear it from right-wing Xtians who use 'eye for an eye' to justify harsh criminal punishments, or who see Israeli rule over the West Bank as ordained. Some of these folk are also antisemitic, no doubt, but that's usually the context.
You mean the hastening-the-Rapture crowd? I'm pretty sure we can up that from "some of those."
Thanks for this! I always understood the phrase to indicate that Christianity grew out of Judaism, but wasn't aware of the anti-Semitic connotation. You can teach an old dog new tricks.