
A few months before he was reelected overwhelmingly, it was widely reported that Ronald Reagan napped during cabinet meetings.
True, but he was also ahead in the polls by double digits.
In the first debate vs Mondale it was said he looked old and confused and rambling. The rnc held a press conference days later to deny questions about his mental decline and he dropped 5+ points in the polls.
As someone who protested outside a Reagan rally in 1984 and was pelted with sandwiches (!) kindly allow me to inform the assembled worthies I haven't forgotten The Gipper napped in cabinet meetings.
Standards have never applied to Republicans.
He then had a horrible first debate against Mondale, but remained high in the polls.
Famously unfit CA governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was known for his afternoon naps.
I’m sure this is going to be just like Reagan in 84 then.
I mean Walz knows how to win. Walz knows his shit. I think he and Walz are doing some more coordinating now.
Reagan had Alzheimer’s. Maybe Biden can also quip that he won’t exploit for political purposes Trump’s youth and inexperience. I don’t think it will work for him like it did for Reagan.
And he also had alzhiemers