Kait, Jessica's Wife πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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Kait, Jessica's Wife πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


Writer, gamer, wannabe game developer. Muscular forest witch. @pairofclaws.bsky.social stan account. I post in short bursts but am mostly just here to support cool people. Lesbian. Demi. Cis. She/her. Minors DNI.
Helen Whistberry is an instabuy for me.
I finished this wonderful book. (fwiw, I never said that I myself am stylistically subtle, especially in praise πŸ˜›)
The problem I have with "we are going to get through this" messages is that people tend to get real quiet when you ask who the "we" in that sentence refers to. And even quieter when you ask how many of "we" we can lose along the way and still be thought of as "getting through."
respectability politics is just measuring yourself and people like you for the cage
I don't want assimilation or a muting of what makes us, us. Assimilation kills culture, and queer culture is beautiful. I want society to accept us to the level where they'll not treat us like shit and take away our rights. Other than that, I want them to just leave us be.
I am very in favor of trans and queer people being accepted by society. I am also very opposed to that happening by way of us making ourselves smaller.
I am very in favor of trans and queer people being accepted by society. I am also very opposed to that happening by way of us making ourselves smaller.
Because as much as we joke about our "silly made up stories" or "getting paid to play make believe," our words mean things to people, and can sometimes be the balm they were looking for. An author who commits heinous acts poisons their own works, and does harm to those they had helped heal. (6/?)
🧡 I think something difficult to talk about when an author/musician/artist is outed as a monster is the damage it can cause the people who found comfort and healing in their works. Because it gets read as trying to put fans on equal footing with direct victims, which would be fucked up (1/?)
Mutual Aid Request Hi guys, I need help again *groan*. I have a bill I need to pay. I helped my elderly housemate get some personal supplies she needed and then I was forced to go pick up medication so I ran out of funds. Can I get $75? πŸ’•πŸ’Έ V: Annaleigh-Watts CA: $annaleighmaria PP: AnaleeWatts
The trick is to learn to #float just above the surface. It is vital that you touch nothing and nothing touches you. I am imperfect at this talent as of yet, but every day, I am practicing my art. Soon, I will be a haunting beyond compare. #whistpr
i wish cancel culture was real.
I finished this wonderful book. (fwiw, I never said that I myself am stylistically subtle, especially in praise πŸ˜›)
For the remainder of #PrideMonth, my latest collection of stories is on sale! I consider all my stories queer, whether through subtext or overtly, as they are written by a most queer individual (in every sense of that word). $.99 gets you 18 stories & 19 illustrations! books2read.com/ABrokenThing
Never allow someone you met online to take you to a second location (Discord)
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: how goesss the election? Rowling: did we win? Posie Parker: good news! Parker: if words meant the opposite of what they do, then yes we won! Rowling: excellent, excellent, that'ss great Rowling: wait a ssec
A daily word & image by @whistberry.bsky.social meant to inspire any type of creativity. Share your art, original words, poetry, writing snippets, photos, etc. NO A/"I" please! #author #writing #art #WritingCommunity Tag your post: #whistpr Prompt for July 7, 2024: #FLOAT
If this doesn't sell you on Ghost Flower, you and I will never understand each other and you can't come to my birthday party
#WritingCommunity, describe your book poorly Ghost Flower: Lesbianism makes woman feel like she could fight God.
Counterpoint to the dude in the screenshot: I posted so good I accomplished both having and being a wife.
It’s funny cause people tell me *all the time* how they’ve learned from me and found community through my posts and been uplifted and connected to others and gotten tools to recognize and fight hate and felt less alone in the world. But I guess fuck that right? I’m not accomplishing anything.
Went to a clinic today for a routine medical thing and was once again amazed by the number of people who are happy to hang out and just freely breathe in all the air juice inside the germ emporium
Biden: "I'm going to give it my all!" Supreme Court: "The president can now do anything and no laws can stop him. He is as a god." Biden: *Meatloaf voice* BUT I WON'T DO THAAAAATTT!
Every lib you've ever met: This is the most important election in the history of this country, and Joe Biden must win or fascism will reign. Even the suggestion that it doesn't matter is ridiculous and dangerous. He needs our full, unwaivering support. Joe Biden:
Every lib you've ever met: This is the most important election in the history of this country, and Joe Biden must win or fascism will reign. Even the suggestion that it doesn't matter is ridiculous and dangerous. He needs our full, unwaivering support. Joe Biden:
The world feels extra crushing right now, and it's hard not to turn that inward when we've been conditioned to do so for generations. I don't know who else needs to hear this, but to the whole trans community and everyone in it: this is not your fault. You deserve so, so much better than this.
A daily word & image by @whistberry.bsky.social meant to inspire any type of creativity. Share your art, original words, poetry, writing snippets, photos, etc. NO A/"I" please! #author #writing #art #WritingCommunity Tag your post: #whistpr Prompt for July 6, 2024: #STRIFE
so many things I love are either really expensive or a little carcinogenic
I don't know why this is so difficult for some folks, but a person (whether they be a niche internet micro celeb or an actual famous person) turning out to be a piece of shit doesn't magically make everyone who ever opposed them ontologically good.
I would like one damn week on this app where we don't all have to talk about a sex pest. ONE.
It’s important not to be a fucking creep. You gotta at least try.
It's an ancient trick of an oh-too-human mind: the dream within a dream. You think you wake but this reality is yet another lie. How pleasant it is though. With the world so unbearably harsh, who would not choose to be #swallowed by the illusion. Better to be consumed than open one's eyes. #whistpr
Red Darkling is a hot mess. Her ship's crap, her cat's glitchy, and her sleazy ex keeps waving his abs around. But she's got cheap beer and her independence, so life's good. Then things start going a little too well, and she's determined to put a stop to it. www.laguettler.com πŸ“’πŸ“š #booksky #bsnm
My local news feed on FB is entirely brush fires and children getting hit in the face with fireworks. Happy birthday, you piece of shit country!
can you guys cool it with the firecrackers, clifford is stress shitting everywhere