
Sharpen the guillotine, friends.
Two newborn twins were diagnosed with a rare disease and are in need of a one-dose treatment that would save their lives: Zolgensma, a $2.1 million drug. Their parents’ insurance cut the coverage of the drug the day after they were born
Newborn twins fight rare disease, family says it’ll cost $4.2 million to save their New parents in Kansas City are fighting to save the lives of their newborn twins. They said the boys have a rare genetic disease that will cost the family millions of dollars to treat.
I hate American health insurance with a passion.
Canadian isn’t much better anymore. And why is the drug that expensive?
It's a shit way to go about business, but my assumption is that the condition is so rare, and the R&D so expensive, the per-dose "cost" ends up being high. Not quite as shit as what the insurance company did though.
I accept that assumption. And yes, the insurance company— where the mother works, for crepes sake— is definitely shit.
I've been seeing exposes saying that US insurance companies have been issuing automatic noes for anything over a certain dollar amount -- some by unscrupulous people, some have started using algorithms & AI -- and I suspect this may spur regulators to bring the hammer down (fingers crossed)
Oh that really is a kicker, what absolute ghouls :/
Nah, it's gene therapy so it's a pretty massive undertaking.
The cost is still outrageous, but it's not like a one time pill or something
I was today years old when I found out that people have to pay out of pocket for estrogen in the UK which…why are we all getting fucked everywhere?
Dull them. Dull the guillotines. Make it take three or four whacks.
There’s your death panels.
But my policy requires a 2 year waiting period for guillotines, and it'd cost triple to use one out of network.
Please share these plans amongst your friends
So instead the insurance company will spend more than $4.2 million to keep the boys alive until they die… in a few years. Make it make sense!!!
No. The drug alters the mutated genes and they'll live normal lives from the info abt it.
I was saying that if they don’t get the drug the insurance co will spend more than $4.2 million.
There's a couple of other drugs for ~100k & ~30k that require more doses. Their gofundme is paused- methinks some of the raised monies to start with a cheaper/ less optimum med. I'm always impressed by the kindness of strangers re donations. The 2.1m drug is publicly funded in most of Canada.
Every day i talk to disabled and elderly people who are being terminated by Medicaid and SNAP when they *still qualify*. The horrors don’t stop with appeals and denials, we have a pricing hostage system run by Cigna and CVS through the states. It’s my job to have answers and i have no answers!
Eh. I'm thinking gibbet.
Maybe some of the 813 billionaires in this country could pony up some cash for these poor people. If all of them do it, it's a little over $5100 each.
Hospital should give the drug before it’s too late while simultaneously working on single case agreements with the insurance company. Eat the cost if you have to. Their margins are fine. Also, insurance companies are absolute ghouls.
Where’s all the pro-life billionaires at that could help in this situation?