Brian Minsker

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Brian Minsker

Illinois PTA Legislative Advocacy Director, Astros fan, Deadhead, board gamer, geek, and husband of Dr. Barbara Minsker. Opinions are my own.
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Reposted byAvatar Brian Minsker
Last night, my beloved niece texted me in (understandable) despair about the election and my response seemed to help, so I'm going to share it with you here... 🧵
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school vouchers are designed to starve public schools and they’re working in that regard
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Many people on here are saying, "Welp, he's gonna win," and giving up because they don't want to do the (unpleasant) work necessary to defeat him. We might not win by fighting -- but if we quit, we'll definitely lose.
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Reposted byAvatar Brian Minsker
"USA please listen to me: the price of 'teaching them a lesson' is too high. take it from New Zealand, who voted our Labour government out in the last election because they weren’t doing exactly what we wanted and got fascism instead"
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
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At the risk of posting something stupefyingly obvious: If you're among those canceling a New York Times or Washington Post subscription, I guarantee you have a great nonprofit media outlet or local paper in your area that could use some revenue. And that coverage is absolutely vital right now.
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What this article leaves out is that if you hand your unlocked phone to a police officer, they can legally search it. Unless companies develop a method that allows you to show officers insurance cards and driver license without unlocking the rest of your phone, don't.
This state is introducing digital driver's licenses. Here's what you need to Your physical wallet is being replaced piece by piece. Here's what you need to know about using digital IDs.
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Read this, share this widely
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
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Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today
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Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
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It is Disability Pride Month - the perfect time to learn about ALT text and start using it!
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It's a Mandy Tuesday DORK TOWER WEDNESDAY! Critical (Vole) new comic up now, back at the Mothership: Repost/Retweet/Reblog/Repeat (please)!
The challenge: choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.
The challenge: choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.
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“Earlier this month, a bombshell report from a religious watchdog group roiled one of the largest megachurches in Texas. ...” But some Texas Republicans, who’ve campaigned on ostensibly protecting children from sexualization, are conspicuously quiet. via
Pastor’s Admitted Child Sex Abuse Roils Hotbed of Christian But some Texas Republicans, who’ve campaigned on ostensibly protecting children from sexualization, are conspicuously quiet.
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Found this book on the shelf of the house we're staying in on vacation. I didn't realize the skills of a working dog could be so expansive.
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Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
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Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
It's 98°F out, heat index of 111°F. My dog:
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Reposted byAvatar Brian Minsker
My cartoon for this week’s Guardian books.
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I’m now firmly of the opinion that a lot of the problems we’re facing in society right now could be cured by more art in schools, not less.
My dog pestering me to feed him his dinner early: "C'mon, it's 5 o'clock somewhere."
Reposted byAvatar Brian Minsker
buckaroos know this classic way
Reposted byAvatar Brian Minsker
Reposted byAvatar Brian Minsker
Once again, with feeling: 1) ask the police if you're being detained or free to go, 2) if free to go, then go and don't look back, 3) if not, tell them you want an attorney and then STFU, then 4) don't talk to ANYONE except your attorney.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.