Boomer NV

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Boomer NV

No one of consequence.
11 published books. 5°. Zero F's
Podcaster. USAF & Nevada Alum
Writer Me @JT_Hume

Greatest Game: 11/2/2016 🖖
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Okay, here's the plan. Friday, July 19 will be the title reveal. We'll do the cover reveal as part of our writers podcast on Sunday, July 21. Presale begins on my birthday, July 24. Please Repost! Thank you! #writersthreads #titlereveal #coverreveal #presale
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Apparently Mr. Hillbilly Travesty believes childless cat ladies are ruining the country. Childless cat ladies: seize the power you’ve been assigned and ruin it for him! The rest of us will be very grateful.
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Still working out the details on the title and cover reveal, BUT This puppy goes on pre-sale on my birthday, Wednesday, July 24. Four years in the making. Woo. Raise the roof. 🖖🖖🖖 #writersthreads #presale
Maybe they don't feel their penises are big enough.
Cops want Cybertrucks. They serve no practical purpose and are an irresponsibly expensive misuse of taxpayer funds that have sacrificed much more beneficial public services…but cops don’t care about the communities they serve.
Wordle 1,124 4/6 ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
This is key. He may devolved from a 911 hero to a national laughing stock, but get him medical attention when (not if) needed. And it certainly looks like he needs it.
Yes. Because a single digit difference in any poll means they're tied.
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Reposted byAvatar Boomer NV
Four years in the making and my done? It feels unreal. Edits finished & it's set up on the Big 5 (Apple, AMZ, B&N, Google, Kobo). Even the paperback (AMZ). It'll go on pre-sale on my b-day: July 24 Title & Cover Reveal Soon! #writerthreads
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Avatar Good newsletter. Reminded of something a lawyer says years ago (as a joke): "When I got this job, no one told me there'd be math."
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But he's also proof that intelligence is sometimes not connected to common sense and/or political savvy, as he learned from his trip to Cabo. Not picking on Senator Cruz exclusively. Seen that in other people, too.
Project 2025 is this and much worse.
[Holds up sign again:] "Single-digits differences between the two leaders means they are tied."
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Here we are, living the dream. Be careful what you wish for 😉😉😉 Ep 180 of our writers podcast is award nominations, road trips, & book releases Related: being full-time writers Great stuff for writers! Enjoy! #writersthreads #bookrelease
Full-Time Know a writer or someone who wants to be a writer? Then forward this post to them and invite them to listen to our writers podcast. Thank you! Here we are, living the dream. Be careful what you wis…
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Do any writers actually like writing blurbs? I'm telling the bartender to leave the bottle. #writersthreads #writers
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Since it is all about me, I'm picking the first one because I'm a deaf writer, and I've always wanted to go to Geneva. oth, writers needs as many saints as we can get, am i right? #writersthreads #writers
Wordle 1,123 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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Up early to work on the yard before the heat of the day. Beautiful sunrise! Another advantage of writing full time is being able to schedule my indoor and outdoor time when it’s most convenient. #amwriting #writerslife #summer #sunrise #yardwork
Going out on a limb to guess the presumptive GOP POTUS nominee did not meet the wife of the presumptive GOP VP nominee before the announcement.
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Reposted byAvatar Boomer NV
Editing the Book of Kells 800AD: Monks painstakingly outline New Testament gospels. Each page is a work of art and devotion. Me editing: WIP open three times (Word, Atticus, PDF) while cussing, cussing, cussing at the editing gods. #writingthreads
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This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
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Still working out the details on the title and cover reveal, BUT This puppy goes on pre-sale on my birthday, Wednesday, July 24. Four years in the making. Woo. Raise the roof. ❤❤❤ #writersthreads #presale
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