Brad Gallaway

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Brad Gallaway Editor. So Videogames Podcast co-host. Happily Married. Homeschooling Dad. Pro-BLM & LGBTQIA. Anti-Fascist. TF & MOTU stan. He/Him.
Joe Biden completely sucks BUT the reality before us is that it's either Biden or Trump, and Trump's Project 2025 will be a nightmare era that won't be stopped except by civil war. We need to fix & revamp our system *badly* but we can't do that if Trump wins.
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An under-noticed aspect of Project 2025: criminalizing porn.
TikTok - Make Your
I know he didn't ask for them, but Joe Biden now has wide, sweeping powers to fix a whole lot of stuff that's got this country in a precarious place. Would LOVE to hear his plan on how to take advantage of this huge, unprecedented windfall. Something. ANYTHING.
The supreme court just put the most powerful weapon on the table. Trump WILL use it to destroy democracy in the US if he gets a chance. He said he will. Believe him. Will Biden use it first to preserve democracy now???
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
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"I hate this timeline" takes are really starting to rub me the wrong way. We're not in a ~timeline~. This is reality and our only recourse is revolution.
Up today at GameCritics, a thoughtful piece from on Dragon Age: The Veilguard, toxic fandoms, nostalgia and expectations. This is why we can't have nice things. #videogames #dragonage #theveilguard
A new So Videogames is up! Episode 395 covers: In this episode, Brad covers: Shadow of the Erdtree Frogue ArcRunner Racine Rusted Moss Fireside Space Crew Bomber Crew …And more!
Went to the garage to do some tidying up and thought I saw some mice scurrying around. Took a closer look... No, we didn't have mice, those were spiders.
clicked on two articles from two different sites, and both read exactly like an AI piece. stopped reading, bounced, and will likely not click on links from those places any more. replacing writers with AI garbage brings no value to anything.
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When a supreme court is obviously corrupt and out of control, how do you fix that ASAP? Asking for a friend.
So, criminalize homelessness... Put the homeless in prison, so the for-profit prisons get paid, and then use them as slave labor while incarcerated, generating even more money for the prison owners. Is that basically the plan?
I've been saying for A While Now that Biden should not have been the Dem nominee, but regardless of my feelings on that, Trump shouldn't even be running! He's a convicted rapist, a traitor, grifter, and a racist. That he isn't already behind bars shows what a joke our system is.
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
Leftists said two years ago that Biden was frankly too old and too wedded to bipartisanship to effectly stand against this fascist tidal wave led by a flamboyant liar. We’ve watched the Democrats sideline smart young candidates like Jamaal Bowman. And now you’re all crying this morning? Please.
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Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
It wasn't an accident. They were hoping the media would talk about this instead of how they legalized all their bribes.
The Supreme Court is set to reject a major challenge to emergency abortion care, according to a document that was reportedly released by accident.
Supreme Court Set To Allow Emergency Abortion Care In Idaho: The consequential ruling was leaked Wednesday morning.
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
Not that there weren't reasons to run against the court before, but "The justices who have taking a lot of bribes says it's okay to bribe elected officials" seems like the kind of thing that an average voter can both understand and get mad about
So Videogames ep 394 is up! This ep covers: Nintendo’s June 2024 Direct Talos Principle II Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Glyphs of Gitzan Moonstone Island Wartales Metal Slug Attack Reloaded …And more!
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
a ruthless predator, alligators will sometimes use jazz hands to lure musical theatre people to their deaths
If Trump gets elected and starts enacting Project 2025 as he clearly says he will, this country is going to have to choose between what is legal and what is moral in a hurry. Are we going to be a nation of people "just following orders"?
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
Repost if you support trans people and think we're neato
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
remember friends: only you 🫵 can mute & block clout gremlins!
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
Hey I reviewed Shadow of the Erdtree. And now that it's available I've spent the night doing my due diligence and helping people fight the bosses
Our review of Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC just went live over at GameCritics. Souls aficionado Mike Suskie dives deep... Click on over and see what he thought of this huge new expansion! #EldenRing #FromSoft #DarkSouls
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
No matter how badly you fuck up today, at least you won't be the person who wrote the opening sentence in the NY Times obituary for the legendary Donald Sutherland:
well that just seems kinda mean
Reposted byAvatar Brad Gallaway
Scarecrow is literally one of the only Places left around here that I genuinely care about.
Scarecrow Video has the largest physical media collection in the US. They are on the verge of closing if they can’t put together $1.8M by the end of the year to keep their lease.
SOS | Scarecrow Read our letter to the community.
Now that the Elden Ring Erdtree embargo is up, wondering if anyone who reviewed it on Xbox is able to engage in multiplayer? Looks like I got sandboxed during the review period, would like to compare notes with other XB reviewers...
Our review of Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC just went live over at GameCritics. Souls aficionado Mike Suskie dives deep... Click on over and see what he thought of this huge new expansion! #EldenRing #FromSoft #DarkSouls