
The thing about Boeing is it seems easier to just make sure the door doesn’t fly off mid flight than it does to retaliate against whistle blowers. You need a whole shadowy apparatus for that, for the other you just need like, a bolt
Refusing to allow my imagination to engage with the question "what is Boeing hiding that's worse than doors flying off airplanes" as a form of self care
I know it's guys in tubes 👽 it's guys in tubes all the way down from subbasements A-Z 👽
OMG Ted Stevens's ghost just spoke to me: THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY IS A SERIES OF TUBES
Because bolts are an old, stagnant, fixed technology. Hardly any movement in decades. Shadowy apparatuses are opportunities for growth and innovation you can sell to investors looking for the next big thing. I hear Boeing is incorporating AI into their shadowy apparatuses
with AI, they can even analyze employee communications and other data to predict who might become whistleblowers. this is known in the biz as a "whistlesucker" system
Those people get seated in exit rows. Pacification or liquidation, either is fine.
I relate to this as a production and quality engineer. I’ll bet someone here is flying risk flags and it’s malpractice not to respond to that. If a production engineer is too cautious, fire em, fine. But if they’re there, this is a major part of what we’re for
I have an added layer of frustration toward Boeing because I guarantee they got here by trampling people with similar careers to mine, and there are no doubt a dozen of my colleagues shouting “this is what happens”
I think Boeing corporate has completely ruined the middle management (those who hire/fire, those who set success criteria). Changes just at the CEO level will not necessarily clean out this deeper, now-hardwired-in problem in the engineering/quality apparatus.
It certainly won’t. This isn’t a problem fixed by a CEO. It’s a problem fixed by engineers and middle management. The CEO’s role in this is to listen to them.
It's demoralizing to watch a century of hard lessons and carefully managed expertise be casually ripped apart by b school wastrels. But casual jet setting is destroying our future so... It's hard to root for Boeing getting their shit together.
Just make the whole plane out of the shadowy apparatus.
they'll spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to cover up the fact that they saved 5 bucks with safety violations
False economy is the best economy 🧐
maybe fixing their design process is worse for their quarterly earnings report than establishing a wetwork division
this is like the time the prison system spent tens of thousands of dollars fighting an inmate in court who had requested something that costs, like, 5-10 bucks
It's like they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of industrial espionage
Never imagined that the hitman lobby also has a contract capture specialist but that's the only way to explain the funding discrepancy.
One of those protects the powerful, the other is a burden on them.
"Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. "If the cost of hiring a hitman is less than X, it's going to be a bad day for the whistleblower's loved ones."
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hitmen can't be that cheap can they?
You’d be surprised. My *relative status redacted* used to be a regular in an East-End pub which was also frequented by some underworld types. When my *redacted* was complaining about her landlord fucking her over one of the regulars took her aside and said ‘for £5k that landlord could disappear.’
She did not take him up on this offer, obviously, but we were all extremely surprised at what a low amount of money it would have taken. Admittedly, this was approx. 20 years ago but still…
so, hitmen and Senators, both surprisingly cheap as long as you have connections!
Maybe she got mates rates?
You underestimate the potential loss in profits from grounding an entire line of aircraft for vital repairs. Plus the hitman option can scare other whistleblowers, causing a long term positive outcome for the corporations.
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I guess i was looking at it from the perspective of doing the thing right the first fucking time so nothing had to be grounded?
And waste the money on the extra bolt for each and every aircraft during this fiscal quarter, when we could just hire a hitman in a later fiscal quarter instead? Someone else will probably be in charge by then, and it can be their problem to deal with.
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See, bolts come out of the manufacturing budget, which market forces necessitate us reining in, while violent retaliation comes out of our goon budget, who work on retainer and really just goes to waste if not used to their potential
One of the biggest flaws in capitalism is that the whole thing hangs on the assumption that people behave rationally.
One excerpt from a whistleblower is that faulty bolts were thrown in the faulty bolt bucket. The pressure to finish the job of inserting the bolts would often fall into the next shift (because of a new high-grade bolt shortage) and the next shift would be ordered to use the bolts from the bucket.
Bolts are expensive, shadowy apparatuses are free once you get enough money.
I assume these decisions are a cost-benefit analysis, so maybe they determined the economical choice was to whistleblowers and then fix the bolt later
The ziptie that was used worked for quite a few flights
You do kind of actually need some kind of shadowy apparatus for making sure that bolt is there and screwed on correctly.
Well... A torque wrench and a quality control guy that you don't constantly try to fuck with. But probably just one or two QCs with a torque wrench and a flashlight could do it
The shadowy apparatus is also only semi-functional.
This underlines their incompetence several times over.
According to the expert analysis of Lockheed beancounters, it's much cheaper to build a shadowy apparatus when a professional hit costs like $400k with only 80 psychopath and pr hours and a single bolt in a commercial jetliner needs 4000 engineer hours of study at a cost of $50 million dollars.
Incompetence or negligence is often confused for malevolence
Nah because the door flying off is because of decades old systemic issues they don't want to be investigated. The door flying off is just the lid on the genie's lamp and Boeing doesn't want you to know just how bad things really are.