Unironic k hive time all is forgiven yolo
Dorothy Thompson in 1941, describing a Vance before Vance. “A snob, loathing his own snobbery.”
Orange Man Bad explains far more than many comparative politics PhDs care to admit
"viewing Trump as something like a fascist leader foresaw the violence of January 6th as a live possibility, while its critics mocked the notion as mere hysteria. Whatever its shortcomings, “Trump as fascist” remains the best guide to what Trump will try to do next"
What's In a A Canned Post
Meanwhile, in Georgia's other slow=rolling clusterfuck, the Georgia Attorney General seized a bunch of electronic devices from codefendants in the Cop City case. Counsel warned them that they contained privileged information. AG ignored read the files, and released them to all co-D in discovery+-
Some of the facts pertain to Trump’s sexual proclivities and related confessions. Do they add up to proof that Trump was an Epstein client or co-conspirator? No, but we’re not exactly in “always the people you least suspect” territory here.
NYPD is using helicopters as a private limo service and/or tour bus. Not even joking. This is why we need to defund the police.
Your regular reminder that basically all of the unhinged Maddow-brain winemom Russiagate stuff was true and Trump successfully covered it up with stonewalling, DOJ interference and pardons
How can he still shock me after all this time? How is it possible? I have the absolute lowest opinion of him and yet he always can go lower.
“RICO has never been used against a group like this. By claiming that a diffuse but broadly aligned social movement equals organized crime, prosecutors are saying protesters could find themselves subject to a Mafia-style trial because some random guy broke a window.”
How to Criminalize a In Atlanta, the George Floyd demonstrators are being prosecuted as gang members. The activists of today could be next.
As always with Trump, it’s refreshing to see the 200-Proof Just Pure Id version before having to read the triple-refined haute-cuisine Supreme Court Clerk version, the “To Deny Him Would Be Elitist, Some Say” NYT version, or the thickened, seven-layer, Academic Says It’s Not Really Fascism version
"According to six Israeli intelligence officers, who have all served in the army during the current war on the Gaza Strip and had first-hand involvement with the use of AI to generate targets for assassination, Lavender has played a central role in the unprecedented bombing of Palestinians..."
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local C...
A video with the provocative title: ‘Want to know where Ammon Bundy is?’ provided just enough clues for Michael Lee (a member of our Discord community) to locate the anti-government US militant, who has been in hiding since a warrant was issued for his arrest.
Fugitive US Militant Ammon Bundy Geolocated to Utah - Following a November 2023 warrant, Bundy went into hiding but continued to broadcast to his supporters.
I don't know who needs to know this, but Pro Publica has an online thing that will format a letter to your US health insurance company to demand the records behind a claim denial. (which the insurance is then legally required to provide in most cases)
Find Out Why Health Insurance Denied Your You likely have the right to access records that explain why your insurer denied your claim or prior authorization request. Use ProPublica’s free tool to generate a letter requesting your claim file f...
Also like right now the Republican Party is helping Russia conquer cities in Ukraine. As in it happened today.
your regular reminder that pretty much all the craziest maddow-brain winemom russiagate stuff was actually true and trump just successfully covered it up then pardoned most of the people involved!
Billionaire board members feeling peer pressure to take drugs with Elon because if they don't they think Musk will be angry and cut them out of his companies and life. The world is so stupid.
Sources: some Tesla and SpaceX directors have consumed drugs with Elon Musk feeling there is an expectation to do so, raising concerns about their independence (Wall Street Journal) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
NEW: A recently-unearthed email accused a prominent Southern Baptist leader and conservative activist of being a racist pedophile, and sheds new light on how Jared Woodfill – an anti-"groomer" activist who is running for Texas House with Ken Paxton's endorsement – helped furnish him victims.
Email sheds new light on Texas House candidate Jared Woodfill’s role … Woodfill has been endorsed by Attorney General Ken Paxton despite his connection to Paul Pressler, a prominent religious figure accused of rape.
Simply platforming right-wing activists via interviews can increase public support for right-wing views and perceptions of the popularity of such views. Really cool use of audio as a stimulus by &
While a lot of people are dunking on loser pundits and culture war nothings, the conservative movement is coalescing around policies that are--and I don't say this flippantly--fascistic. Brought to you by Heritage Foundation, a superpower think tank:
End of feed.