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| 🏳️‍🌈 🔞 🏳️‍⚧️ | transfem | she/her |
| amateur memesmith | dances with light |
| HRT 01/06/23 | 420 friendly ;p |
| CO front range | pan | polyam |
| discord is handle (moots only, hmu) |
| background: dancing with light |
if the main thing stopping you from transitioning is a fear you won’t be hot: i’m sorry, but that is literally just gender dysphoria. it gets much better once you start treating it, i promise. 🏳️‍⚧️❤️🏳️‍⚧️
take this how you will, but i said literally the same thing before i transitioned about wanting to have the body of a hot transhumanist babe. the future is now & we have the technology. it is literally never too late.
oppose the status quo; engage in electoral politics at a local level, it's the opposite of what the nefarious people in power want 👍
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
this website is just all three of these at once
"are you a boy or a girl?" i am an enigma wrapped in a mystery, concealed from the sight of the masses; shield your eyes from my presence, lest you lose yourself in my madness
"are you a boy or a girl?" I'm a really large pile of sand.
someone who is into two different sexualities; has nothing to do with gender whatsoever
define bisexual. wrong answers only.
lol, had to make a strange request to have one of the cats passed to me, but it was worth it, even if they were only there for a moment 😂
doing the dishes is like doing the laundry, but for food
vaccinations should be a requirement for travel; antivaxxers are a threat to human health at an international level
so great that Europe's doing this again with the diseases
when I was a child, I thought smart people were in charge. when I got older, I realized you didn't have to be smart to be in charge. but the piece that was hardest to learn is that no one is really in charge at all. no one's going to fix it beyond us.
Huh. Now the new executive director of NaNoWriMo is claiming that the NaNoWriMo Code of Conduct applies to literally every space in the world, including Tumblr DMs. Imagine Kilby getting snark in Whole Foods. "That's against the code of conduct! I'll ban you!" #writingcommunity #NaNoWriMoSucks
Periodic reminder to babytranses that it's a supremely stupid idea to post a photo of your new ID online I know you're excited about your name change but babe PLEASE no
I have been rewatching Futurama episodes from 20 years ago and well…
sorry but "i am the woeful reckoning of your ill-begotten behavior and mistrustful ways" dime store rose lalonde posting doesn't work on me. tell me straight forward and to the point why you're upset or my autistic and adhd ass will assume it's a bit and get bored.
doing the dishes is like doing the laundry, but for food
amazing to see thousands of queer and trans people taking to the street today we’re not going anywhere trans rights are human rights death before detransition
lol, back when i presented as a dude, people would give me shit for my toe shoes, but now, folks almost always compliment how cute they look with my leg warmers 😂
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
that's the whole idea, yes people lose their jobs, their health care, and their homes, and then, once they get arrested for sleeping rough or nonpayment of tickets, they become slave labor for prison jobs.
Like where are they even gonna get the money to pay the fine from? They might as well just bring back debtor’s prisons for how they treat the poor!
lol, had to make a strange request to have one of the cats passed to me, but it was worth it, even if they were only there for a moment 😂
dude libraries are fucking gas. yr telling me i can go piss for free and also read hardcover victorian pornography? AND i can rent die hard on dvd????