Brian Phillips

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Brian Phillips

NYT bestselling author of Impossible Owls 🦉writer (The Ringer, Grantland, New Yorker, etc) 🦉 last astronaut to walk on the surface of the sun
(gasping, clutching the newspaper with trembling hands as I catch up on what I missed during two weeks in the remotest part of Mongolia) beloved author Elena Ferrante is one of literature’s most tantalizing WHATS????
Everyone should know for context that this was not far from another piece of street art that read BITCH I MISS YOU FUCK
Mongolian street art baby
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
"no, I'm not related to Trent, but I am a big industrial fan"
oh nothing, just hiding in a cemetery for five hours as part of my normal workflow for hiring a college baseball coach
Do you guys think The Ringer would let me expense……..a satellite
Anyone have any experience using Starlink (asking for someone who will be in the middle of nowhere for two week)
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
At LSU did Baby Gronk A stately pleasure dome decree
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
But now thanks to the power of AI you can generate an image of Gideon Yago with massive breasts while using enough energy to power a hospital for a day
Today in always save backup PDFs of your clips if you're a journalist in the year 2024: MTV News has vanished
MTV News Website Goes Dark, Archives Pulled The website of the already-defunct MTV News has been fully pulled offline.
About a year into my brief run at MTV News I signed a new contract, and one of my conditions was that they *not* publish a long essay I’d written for them. This felt insane, but I cared about the piece, and even before we all got fired it was clear that this was how the place was going to operate
Today in always save backup PDFs of your clips if you're a journalist in the year 2024: MTV News has vanished
MTV News Website Goes Dark, Archives Pulled The website of the already-defunct MTV News has been fully pulled offline.
spent 15 minutes trying to figure out if he’s more Kermit or more Fozzie
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
She sees you staring at her terrarium.The thing inside is metal, trussed, with a light on top. "My pet radio tower!" she says. "It was the runt of the litter. Wanna try it?" She tunes her stereo. The sound of care-free gurgling tumbles out of the speakers, and the tower's little light blinks happily
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
DOGS: (losing shit at delivery vans outside) ME: I agree that two vans is a provocation
Here is a sentence that was professionally published in a media outlet that generates around $16 billion in revenue annually. Unfortunately one copy editor costs $17 billion
when my media friends explain to me that they’re still on Twitter for selfless reasons, and not merely addicted to likes
Me whenever I see someone post about how the Twitter experience has once again somehow gotten even worse for them, a person still actively using Twitter
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
"the year is 3403 AD, crime is legal and cop's are illegal, only one man is willing to break the law to make the law legal again: Crimecop"
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
We're at the end of the Rot-Com boom - every single weird, stupid concept (metaverse, crypto, generative AI) is a symptom of an industry that realizes that there isn't another trillion-dollar market to sell into having a dangerous, expensive mid life crisis.
The best opportunity humanity ever had to name a village Puddletown-upon-Piddle and they blew it. Haunting
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
you can pooh-pooh whether or not this is going to matter in the long run and you may well be right, but please focus on this: I assure you that Donald Trump does not want this, and in fact is quite mad about it.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
Any machine can be a smoke machine if you operate it poorly enough
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
proudly mixing glue into my pizza sauce while I await my destiny as the virile king of a post-singularity robot harem
sounds amazing, can’t wait to read their work
yes? I'm sure there are ton of writers that have this idea of a narrative and get bogged down/stuck by things like giving their worlds/NPCs/scenery useful descriptions. Both on a Macro scale and a "I know I want an important encounter to happen in this town. Any town. Give me a town."
the one thing they make that’s good at off-roading
still love the implant though
Reposted byAvatar Brian Phillips
I loved it when future president Applum Lemonum Coconut led the Badgers to the Elite Eight in 1984
thank you google ai, very cool
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Boasts: "No Man Can Stop Me"
holy shit, man walks on fucking moon
I had no involvement whatsoever in instantiating a legal paradigm of in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind and out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. Mrs. Phillips briefly established this regime in response to a neighbor whose praise for her begonias was “lukewarm at best”