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British. Texan. South Asian American. Feminist. Empath. Humanist. Boxer Dog Mom. Lover of poetry, music, food, travel, & history. Optimistic dreamer.
Yes, this is hilarious but b/c it’s a constant misconception. Hindu wedding not Hindi. Hindi is a primary language but states do differ. My brothers Hindu wedding was performed in Gujarati, dialect from Gujarat. My Hindu wedding used Hindi & English. My grandma’s Sikh wedding used Panjabi.
I saw my 1st Cybertruck in Austin this last weekend & the best part was when my 11 yr old twin niece & nephew chimed in with “We have to see them all the time & they’re so ugly! We don’t get it. Sometimes adults act like kids but not like kids our age but when we were little & didn’t know things.”
Imagine a man incapable of humility, empathy, or basic decency. A known fraud, bully, sexual predator, & false idol w/a God complex who seeks absolute power, incites violence, & is driven only by greed & corruption, is suddenly bestowed a soul by magical wizard, perhaps he could unite us? 🙄
It’s what plants crave
Update. Went to Austin to see my GM in the ICU last weekend. Since my car was totaled (not my fault) but I can’t afford a lawyer, I’m using money I don’t have on a rental & ll driving back tom. Oh, & my dog is close to passing & LC stole my life, career, etc. it’s been too much for tooo long .
I was lucky to have a resource. Most people don’t. And I found a group of mostly high functioning women dealing w/the same & fighting for disability legislation. I had to leave my job & it destroyed my credit. And I’m still struggling to keep my home. 😔 The laws passed after were too late for me.
The only reason I was able to get an MRI (months later) is b/c my parents called a family acquaintance in Austin after I told them I was afraid I was going to die & he then referred me to an industry friend in Dallas. The MRI showed a tear in my heart. Before that, no one believed me.
I’m sorry too. 💔 It’s so hard when we’re not in control.
I honestly had no idea what was happening & thought I was going crazy. I fought so hard to beat LC but a lot of my healing was based on my own research out of Europe. The 1st (TX) doctor I saw told me Covid wasn’t real & other advice led to a minor stroke & swollen pre frontal cortex. It was hell.
My dog does this. ❤️
He’s not certified as a therapy dog but after I had Long Covid which was significantly worsened by doctors not listening to me & the worst possible medical advice, the added trauma led me into a deep depression. When the PTSD kicked in, he would put his paw on my heart to calm me.
I made it in time to see her while she was still lucid. It took me 4 hrs to get there & another 7 to get back today but as of now, she’s still with us & she lit up when she saw me. ❤️ I’m just so thankful I made it in time. I’m the oldest of the grandchildren & she & I have always had a special bond.
I made it in time to see her. One of my cousins lives in Germany but the other 5 of us were there. She woke up, held my hand, & smiled. There’s internal bleeding & we don’t know whats going to happen but I’m so thankful I made it while she was still lucid & surrounded by her grandchildren. ❤️
The last few wks have been especially difficult for me especially in finances. A few months ago a cow walked in front of my car & 2 wks back, the front wheel literally broke off (2016 Nissan w/only 45K miles) but to top it all off, my grandmother had a stroke today, It’s just too much sometimes. 💔
Ty. I’ve been trying to work extra to buy a new (used) car & paid out of pocket for a rental to work this weekend but it’s looking like I’ll have to drive down to Austin. It is what it is but the financial stress has been killing me but if I have to go, that’s kind of that. 🤷🏽‍♀️💔 Praying she’s ok.
The last few wks have been especially difficult for me especially in finances. A few months ago a cow walked in front of my car & 2 wks back, the front wheel literally broke off (2016 Nissan w/only 45K miles) but to top it all off, my grandmother had a stroke today, It’s just too much sometimes. 💔
I’ve been on & off w/social media. Mental health breaks & all. 😉
Oof. Unfollowed. Thx for the heads up.
The X Files was one of my favorite shows growing up & it really bothered me when people pushed for them to have a sexual relationship. Love & sex are different from person to person & this part of their relationship felt forced as opposed to organic.
Perhaps they too had brain worms. 🤷🏽‍♀️
One of my closest friends in high school was Scottish & her schooling had been split between France & Scotland where she was born. I’m S. Asian & mine was split between the US & UK where I was born. She & I bonded over our dislike of the Brits & the US religious right.
They’re complicit. Nothing to do with integrity or doubt.
The best show I ever attended was R.E.M. w/openers Radiohead & Natalie Merchant. My 1st live show was Smashing Pumpkins & Blind Melon.
What bugs me is how her time as a prosecutor “defines” her. Not b/c I agree w/her actions (I don’t) but b/c as a SAA I know minority women in corp or politics don’t have the privileges of white men. I believe her to be more progressive but she wouldn’t be here if she had presented as prog then.
This is wonderful news.
Exit polling suggests 410 seats for Labour and only 130 for the Tories, which “would be the worst defeat for the Conservatives in the nearly 200-year history of the party”
Took a social media break. Watched Independence Day. Came back to everyone talking shit. Have to say I’m 💯 in favor. I prefer it when my people are feisty. It gives me hope. 🇺🇸
Reposted byAvatar Kavi
Breaking news: The United Kingdom’s center-left Labour Party appears to have defeated the center-right Conservative Party in a historic landslide, according to exit polls. Keir Starmer is expected to become the nation’s next prime minister.
Live updates: U.K. election exit poll projects big win for Labour, end to 14 years of Conservative rulewww.washingtonpost.com Rishi Sunak and his center-right Conservative Party may be on the way out, replaced by Keir Starmer and the left-leaning Labour Party.
Reposted byAvatar Kavi
On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.