THE Bryan Wenzel

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THE Bryan Wenzel

Packers Owner. Player of Games & Drinker of Beers. IT Dipshit of the Highest Order. Boring as fuck CIS. Homely bastard. He/him. [email protected]

#BLM #ACAB #SlavaUkraini
I remember this one from YEARS back
Some Mondays feel better than others Some just ... kinda... ... Fucking hell. Hang in there, Now Me. Future Me will thank you for it
Friendly pieces of advice 1. use a zip top bag to seal up the marinade & meat (sliced), that way you can get the air out & keep the surface contact high 2. use an empty cake pan to store the whole thing in the fridge. You'll only need ONE bag failure to teach why this is an important step
SO! Internet's been down most of the day, so I got that going for me, which is terrible Normally, a 3-D meat puzzle this involved has your mom in the middle of it. But in this case, it's just my dehydrator 3 pounds of flank, marinated overnight and ready to go
Accidentally got a really good photo, reflection and all, during a snurzzling nappy time on the windowsill
*phew* Cora Coe waiting in my ship & getting her full Shining Twins look on Took me for a real quick moment of surprise Makes me think of the newly departed Shelly Duvall, may she RIP
Dawww, he adorbs! Here's Kit (orange) and Dasher (grey) snuggling up in front of the patio door out onto the deck
If you want a more recent example of how well this can be used to snowball the (ignorant) public and shape economic policy for the richest while the rest of the people fucking starve
Its not terribly dissimilar to the media stance that got our UK friends Brexit The ultra-wealthy own the media and trot out lie after lie after lie after lie until the resistance is just beaten down to the nub and they get what they want Moar profits at our expense, destroying the local economy
Oooh, red, huh? Lemme see if'n I can do that.... How about *three* red costumes, giving us the real life meme representation we didn't know we needed (but still one of the cooler PR shots from the "No Way Home" setup)
But it ALSO looks like she's setting up a Called Shot for the a very particular way
Trashbag among human trash bags Inhofe was dogshit incarnate with a decent PR team. I've been to his offices here locally and attempted to meet with him as a constituent living in OKC He and his people are and were Nazis through and through, just like the rest of the GOP are and will be
Nazis and Republicans - water and wet, as it were. "They're the same picture"
"We are still, happily, at the stage when unglamorous actions can make the difference.”
How to Stop Five Lessons of the Nazi Takeover
Heh One of mine has some Coon blood - he's not a purebred but the M on the forehead is a giveaway! He's 22ish pounds of orange hair & sass named Kit (The grey one next to him, Dasher, is the 'normal' sized one!)
The same people fly all of these flags I treat them accordingly
Welp, here we are Gonna jump in the truck & drive 30 mins north. There I'll be chemically knocked unconscious for a few hours while strange people take a camcorder on a garden hose & jam it up my ass, & then go exploring with it for a bit Hopefully, I'll be back online this evening! My stomach:
Conservative evil owns the press, full stop See also as proof: Brexit It happens here, too
It doesn't matter who the Democratic candidate is. The press will still run the same mail/merge script.
My, on this day of celebration of American exceptionalism (where I can't eat any solid food, can't drink any alcohol, and don't dare go 100 feet from the nearest toilet)
Seems she always had a smile on her face, too Wonder why 🤭 (In all seriousness though, she's a way stronger and smarter person than I. There's zero chance I could have put up with the shit she took in that position)
OK, this is a new one to me Even non-speaking NPCs are now fair game for going Full Bethesda!
Check this out! I'm looking for work and had this CAPTCHA pop up at me on an apply page Am I just a bigger idiot than normal today? Or is this .... not a solvable thing
The hardest part? JUST after it comes out of the oven. It's hot, it's fresh, and you have to let it rest a few minutes before you dive in *drool*