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University of Kentucky Fan
Living outdoors
Pokémon Go
I think finding out you were the next to last person on the show #Alone is something you’d take to your grave
Avatar in your opinion what would bring more sports people to Bluesky?
Reposted byAvatar Jon
you think either of these guys could create a PDF
The Exorcism may be the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen
Avatar I very much appreciate your explanation of sports media and the flavor of the week prop. It all makes more sense now
I imagine a fun part of being an old band is knowing somewhere someone is cranking your music at a cookout
Post pandemic “Hoarders” is going to be off the charts
Reposted byAvatar Jon
Reposted byAvatar Jon
Google, 1998: We're going to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Imagine the whole world's knowledge in your pocket! Google 2024: Drink your own piss. Now eat glue.
Reposted byAvatar Jon
Avatar I was reading that lobster was originally a poor person food because of its abundance. With as long a timeline as you want what current cheap food (ex. Ramen noodles) will make the jump to elite dining?
Avatar “Buy your gas here stupid” will now be on the jerseys
Reposted byAvatar Jon
the chargers schedule release vid put harrison butker in the kitchen trying to make it up to his wife
Does anyone else feel like we just kind of blew past a candidate for president announcing worms are part of his brain?
Avatar some of the guys are getting uncomfortable with you knowing anything at all about Louisville. Despite what you heard on that propaganda podcast they are all like this. Do the right thing man.
Avatar I’ve been thinking- it doesn’t really make sense that Superman is muscular. It implies a regular resistance to build muscle and I don’t know what that would be. Your thoughts?
Avatar Joe I’ve tried to find the answer but maybe you remember- do you know why democrats objected to house bill 580 regarding elections?
Avatar Thanksgiving on Netflix is a beautiful film
Avatar a presidential candidate is currently at a sneaker convention pushing a $400 pair of self-branded sneaker. What team would you guess is first to be outfitted in trump gear?
Avatar are we agreed Robocop is a masterpiece of cinema?
Avatar I paused the fullcast and immediately went and found Chinwag. THANK YOU!!!
Reposted byAvatar Jon
big tech has too much power
Reposted byAvatar Jon
Thinking about the Trump aide who has to gas Trump up when he's getting mad about Taylor Swift. "She could never do the sort of deals you do, sir, and you're frankly the superior dancer." Some 34yo former lacrosse guy who wears a suit every day and hasn't been paid in nine weeks. I hope he's well.
Avatar I’m going to steal ashification in place of burning.
Avatar my kindle died halfway through a month long trip so I didn’t get to finish on schedule but I am still amazed at the risks you took to write this book. Just living in the crazy lions den.
Avatar I remember you foretelling that injury could force and alteration to Washington tactics. Credit where due, well done
An interesting aspect of Switzerland; they love pumpkin and sell sections of it like we do cantaloupe
Reposted byAvatar Jon
Reproducing this in the In This House We Believe font.
Avatar in Switzerland and about to tell them the hero cake story on a snow mountain to these nice people.