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Just going to hang out and take things easy.
Reposted byAvatar Bob
I started to type “spots comin’ in” and my phone corrected it to “Spots Colin” so that’s his name now
Reposted byAvatar Bob
#EmotionalSupportSpood A little Tutelina "Crested" (currently undescribed) boy from this morning, showing off his little blue chelicerae 💙 Goodnight y'all 🌿 🕷️
Reposted byAvatar Bob
the planets are still out in the daytime, can confirm (taken about 15 minutes after sunrise)
Reposted byAvatar Bob
Hold up, gonna go buy some necklaces on Etsy. Cuz today is indie pendants day.
Reposted byAvatar Bob
Hey. The fragmentation of the social media landscape has been hard on indie #scicomm 🧪 projects So if you'd like to follow a podcast that's enthusiastic about #linguistics, could you check out And if you think your followers might like to, could you give this a repost?
Reposted byAvatar Bob
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
Reposted byAvatar Bob
Ok, puppy pictures it is then
Yeah, don't use this person. She's liable to pull some shady shit like this.
Hilary Harwell - KT Literary
Reposted byAvatar Bob
Had to work today in C. Florida and that kinda sucked, but had a little time after for a walk. And found a bucket list lad! I've seen female Sphodros abboti (mygalomorph purseweb) and they're stunning; now I've seen a male for the first time! Quite a bit smaller than his counterpart, and BLUE 💙💙 🌿 🕷️
Reposted byAvatar Bob
star trek federation: our number one rule is the Prime Directive… we must not interfere… we must only observe every single star trek captain the second they see a new civilization: i have Got to interfere with that
Reposted byAvatar Bob
Adding alt txt bc everyone deserves to see this
We gave an entire generation PTSD by letting their schools get shot up, repeatedly, and teaching them that they'd have to save themselves because no one else is coming for them. It's not a wonder they're rioting. They're so fucking sick of the violence.
Reposted byAvatar Bob
After months of fighting for transparency from the city of Beverly Hills, CalMatters has written a fantastic article about how it appears the BH mayor and a council member, as well as city employees, directly interfered with the lease for an abortion clinic. Please share.
An abortion fight in Beverly Hills exposes the limits of California’s ‘reproductive freedom’ A proposed clinic in Beverly Hills was blocked from opening, highlighting California’s barriers to abortion rights.
Reposted byAvatar Bob
In the 6th century, a sailor threw a bottle at a whale off the coast of Constantinople. In response,the whale spent the next 50 years sinking so many ships off the Byzantine coast it was named Porphyrios after the giant who attacked Olympus & the Emperor unsuccessfully dedicated his reign against it
im depressed, can you please tell me a fun fact to cheer me up
Reposted byAvatar Bob
I’m sorry but it’s so stupid. Everything. The sheer stupidity of absolutely everything. We’re all walking around with half-processed shit in our bellies and we’ll all die soon enough and you’re spending your life fighting to ensure people you’ll never meet get sick or sad or faster dead? For what?
Reposted byAvatar Bob
I’m writing about Independent Bookstore Day, so please feel free to send me links to your favorite indie bookshops in the U.S.A. and/or cool activities happening there Saturday ❤️🙏🏻
Reposted byAvatar Bob
A really phenomenal restoration job on this machine.
The Craft Room Cleanup has unearthed my great grandmother's treadle sewing machine, which I restored to working order as one of my pandemic lockdown projects. It hadn't been touched since the mid-1950s when my grandma stopped using it, and had sat, dust covered and rusty, in a garage for decades
Reposted byAvatar Bob
i’m not sure who else needs to see this
Reposted byAvatar Bob
equifax stands for equine facsimile and was originally invented as a way to transmit horses via telephony
Reposted byAvatar Bob
what works for one bud does not work for others. there is no correct trot in this way but i CAN tell you what works for me: understanding IT IS OKAY to be afraid of time and hurt by time. we all hurt, that is human. but we trot this path together and that makes it bearable, sometimes wonderful
chuck do you have any advice for someone who would genuinely like to feel this way but whose experience has led them to believe change hurts & time is bad
Reposted byAvatar Bob
"Hello, dad, I'm in jail. The Clinton Crime Family and the Swamp want to silence us True American Patriots. Send crypto to TrumpForLife dot com or they will execute me in the pizza pedo basement tomorrow at dawn."
Imagine how much damage a scammer could do with a list of Cybertruck owners.
Reposted byAvatar Bob
wow what incredible news that TIME exists. change is VERY neat and would be pretty dang difficult without time. i say thank you to time, i have so much gratitude for you. cant believe i am lucky enough to be a part of your beautiful river it is an honor to swim for a bit
Reposted byAvatar Bob
"Your life should not be a museum." "Being alive is as special an occasion as it gets."
Reposted byAvatar Bob
I love you all very much and your pictures are very cool but you gotta be using alt text for folks with low or no vision etc
Reposted byAvatar Bob
I was wondering if they had counted all 787,777 of them before the penny dropped.
Reposted byAvatar Bob
If every priest and every nun really is married to God, then the Catholic clergy is the largest, longest on-going polyamorous relationship on Earth.
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Reposted byAvatar Bob
This is the dumbfuck, demon face of American white-trash evil.
Graphic Media
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
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