
Adding alt txt bc everyone deserves to see this
We gave an entire generation PTSD by letting their schools get shot up, repeatedly, and teaching them that they'd have to save themselves because no one else is coming for them. It's not a wonder they're rioting. They're so fucking sick of the violence.
I have never felt so much a failure as an adult in my life, reading that.
Unless you're the one backing the NRA, you're not at fault. This isn't your fault at all and you shouldn't take blame for it. This is wholly the fault of our legislators.
When I grew up, I was told if I needed help, I could ask a police officer. People growing up now see school shootings where police refuse to help, politicians refusing to do anything, and anti-violence protesters being beaten by the police.
Same here. Even my old ass won't ask a cop for help. Honestly, I don't trust them and they scare the crap out of me.
Why do they need to always have a gun? Anyone open carrying makes me nervous, but add to that the ability to say I made them scared and legally shoot me, and yeah, I’m staying away.
Those that open carry don't make me nervous. It's not usually those people. I DO note where they are at, however, so that I know if a shooting happens, if I'll be in the crossfire.
I needed help the other day and I asked a postal carrier. I'm old enough to remember when "going postal" was a phrase.
To clarify: I asked a postal carrier RATHER THAN a cop.
Fifteen year old me, who ran for her life, immediately after the lockdown was lifted, after someone died in front of my freshman English classroom, is hyperventilating right now. And that was a lifetime ago. Things were supposed to be better now, not worse.
I’m sorry you went thru that
Too many of us have. It was not supposed to get so much worse.
My heart aches that you had to endure such violence. We failed you.
There is a kid that lives next to me whose dad just went away for a shootout in a grocery store parking lot and whose mom and brother have been in shootouts in the parking lot. When the kids are outside and a car turns in fast I can see them all tense up. I cry seeing them react to noise sometimes
The worst part of that entire mindset is that it is because society has decided to sacrifice those kids already. Law Enforcement has told us, through actions and words, they are not here to save our kids. The State has told us, through actions and words, they are not here to save our kids.
From ten years of working with high school kids I have said repeatedly that nobody in the political establishment is prepared for what’s in store when a generation collectively traumatized by our utter failure to address gun control comes of age
My partner’s SIL is a first grade teacher and she made mention about running a drill one day and she said that she introduces it as “we are going to play a really quiet game, and I need you to come be over here to play.” I was so broken for her and her 6 and 7 year olds.
I would say it was disheartening to hear my kindergartener explain her first active shooter drill, but that happened back when she told me about her one from daycare.
Jesus fucking Christ I am so immensely sorry this is what you guys have to live with. This trauma that will forever guide each step you take and be the controlling factor for each decision you make in life. It’s absolutely fucked up. None of you deserved this. We totally failed you all.
I have told every adult who will listen that the reason the kids are the way they are (politically, but also in other ways) is that they saw us adults do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about school shootings, and they have nothing but contempt for our system. Why support a system that sacrificed them?
i had the worst mindset in high school. like absolutely nothing changed during the height of shootings, but maybe a shitty hollow red bar put across our classroom doors. We didn’t always know they were drills. I always assumed that was my last day. And the immense relief hearing “lockdown over.”
OMFG this broke me, calling 988 now WTF
Jesus Christ, that’s horrible.
This is so fucking sad, no kids anywhere deserve this. The US has killed the children of Gaza and killed the childhoods of its own citizens.
Now on top of this, consider how physically disabled kids, who are often already ostracized, feel when they learn that the official shooter response training for most teachers is: evacuate as soon as possible…and leave the disabled children behind
And they wonder how the kids on campus know how to build barriers. Sheesh!
This is fucking heartbreaking
Holy shit... I remember how much *fire safety week* scared me as an elementary school kid. My heart hurts.
If you're 18, vote for the right people. All these children can change it. 100 million Americans don't vote. They could change this.
Shades of Philip K Dick's vital and underappreciated 'Foster, You're Dead'.
Not you goin viral on here! (Typos ugh) Anywho, thx for alttext-ing this Earn It's so important we read this fr! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Oh wow… That was a lot to read at once. 😢
I don't understand why you don't have an armed guard at every school that checks people in. I grew up this way and it makes way more sense to me than traumatising drills.
1 guard? For how many? ... a few thousand pupils to check every morning? Not even mentioning that I wouldn't want to be searched every. single. morning. just in case I had a weapon. The U.S. is so broken.
He just looks at everyone to see what's up. Somehow it's enough to not have any school shooting.
A lot of schools already have police in school though. Hasn't stopped school shootings.
Just saying what we have, i'm at the collage and guard just my checked my bag, it becomes a part of life.
Correlation, causation, etc.
because the fantasy that a good person with a gun can stop a bad person with a gun is just that, a *fantasy*.
So maybe there is no correlation, idk
Absolute insanity. To go on living with this situation day after day, year after year defies belief. I’m relieved that my own children won’t have to grow up under the threat of such violence.
JFC. So ashamed of our failure to protect the kids. Guns matter more to MAGA than the kids. Such of it too.
The amount trauma Americans have is shocking. Moving overseas has made me realise this, I tell stories and the looks of shock I get! America has traumatised us all. 💔💔💔