Byron Hartman

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Byron Hartman

FP, #NatSec, IR, international development. Diplomat, dad, ex-Army. 🇳🇱🇹🇷🇧🇷🇩🇯🇮🇶🇦🇫🇩🇪 Português/Français/Türkce. Repost =/= endorse. Views my own.
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
The images of the planes just rolling through a flat surface of water at Dubai's so stunning to me how we're delivered the physical imagery of the climate crisis every few weeks, each time in a completely new way. None of this is subtle at all.
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
Given that Tom Cotton has somehow made his comments urging drivers to assault peaceful protesters even worse, I'll re-post my piece trying to put this insanity in perspective. Short version: not even George Wallace was this bloodthirsty.
Tom cotton now is posting videos of drivers assaulting protestors saying this is how it’s done…. This is starting to spiral out and the moment people act we are going to face a massive inflection point.
Cotton Last night, Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas issued a tweet that called for drivers inconvenienced by public protests to “take matters into your own hands.” I suppose it’s not surprising to hear a bloodthi...
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
Elon: We’re chatting with sex traffickers and criminals and loathsome conspiracy peddlers today! Join us! Linda Yaccarino: What do you guys think about auras? Do they really exist, and should they occasionally be fluffed up?
Grim shit.
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
been laughing at this tweet ever since i saw it. a perfect banger.
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
Israel and Hamas are close to agreeing on a U.S.-brokered deal that could lead to a five-day pause in fighting — the first sustained break in the war — in exchange for the release of dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza, people familiar with the terms under discussion told The Post.
Israel-Gaza war live updates: Deal near on 5-day pause in fighting; WHO calls al-Shifa a ‘death Israel and Hamas are close to a U.S.-brokered deal on a pause in exchange for the release of dozens of hostages in Gaza, people familiar with the terms told The Post.
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
20 years ago.
Oh God, THAT was my first post?! 🤦🏼‍♂️
byronhartman is now on Bluesky. We say welcome to our new user. Welcome byronhartman
What’s a library without Godzilla?! smdh
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
Reflections from my UW colleague “Anecdotal evidence that X is failing this stress test is plentiful. Go on the platform, do a search on Israel or Gaza — you don’t have to scroll very far to find dubious or debunked information.”
As false war information spreads on X, Musk promotes unvetted Elon Musk recommended that users follow accounts that have promoted lies in the past.
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
It seems to me that the time is ripe for a Bluesky thread about how—and maybe even why—to befriend crows. (1/n)
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
*extremely* telling that the NYT frames a family leaving a state because their trans son literally could not get the medical care he needed as a "politically motivated move" and an abstract "issue" rather than one connected to their child's intrinsic humanity
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
the dumbest men on earth are fighting
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
After spending my 2nd birthday in a row with only Medvedev for company, a cell in The Hague doesn’t seem so bad.
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
Researchers of online misinformation (and related topics) aren’t “buckling” to politically-motivated attacks. Our critical work to understand and address online deception and manipulation continues. But only with the support of our colleagues and institutions.
UW misinformation researchers will not buckle under political attacks | As the 2024 election approaches, misinformation researchers at the University of Washington say they won't be deterred by those seeking to undermine their work.
Reposted byAvatar Byron Hartman
Best take I've seen so far.
End of feed.