Kien Lim

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Kien Lim

Trade unionist. Into vintage shaving kit. Not actually a llama.
me hearing about Neil Gaiman allegations a day after watching I Used To Be Funny: 😨
I think he's a titled aristocrat. this is not a elected office
Getting word that Larry the Chief Mouser of Downing Street has coasted to another peerless victory with no opposition and 100% of the vote, truly Britain’s greatest statesman
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Neil Gaiman, *63yo, insists that his sexual relationship with his live-in nanny,*23, which started on her first night at his home, was consensual. It’s not the 80’s sir. The power imbalance & her dependency on you for employment & housing, make this at a minimum coercive & far from consensual.
me watching Bodkin:
Should I have made a production deal with Netflix.
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The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
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53% of children followed from birth through age 15 experienced some form of (mostly temporary) housing insecurity. All children who experienced any level of - even temporary - housing insecurity had worse physical & mental health outcomes, with more housing instability correlating to worse health.
One of the things that sucks about actually being able to “do your own research” is how I’m constantly being shown the ways that my patients, people I care about, or in this case all American children, are suffering horribly from easily preventable problems that I am still unable to solve in any way
When little kids don’t have stable housing, it can affect their health Researchers following a group of American children for decades found that even short periods of housing instability increased the chances of poor mental and physical health years later.
Sitting on the TTC listening to music on my Moondrop Space Travels. Hear a persistent buzzing.Was playing with EQ presets earlier so I reset everything. Still buzzing. Turn off ANC. Still buzzing. Wondering if my earbuds are cooked, I take them off. Buzzing is coming from the train.
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I am now fully invested in Hudson Bay Is Florida Theory
making up a conspiracy theory that this part of hudson’s bay is where florida came from
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Perhaps it was a mistake to let the head of the UAE’s state-owned oil company run the UN’s climate conference
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Before you say something mean about Henry Kissinger, take a breath and see if you can think of something meaner
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RIP to one of the all-time top investors in Theranos.
I'm watching Moscow Mission and this film has Shanzai Hans Gruber Hans Grobler
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Thinking about the werewolf from the hate mail Lemgo council pharmacist David Welman (1595 - 1669) got after being accused of being a werewolf
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This is easily the most menacing messy girl-gay best friend combo I've ever seen
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And he was promptly shot by the IDF after failing to stop at the next checkpoint
Fuckin hell
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Is this Hillary Clinton
If I was Lady Macbeth, instead of vigorously trying to remove the spot and having a breakdown, I would practice mindfulness
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If I was Lady Macbeth, instead of vigorously trying to remove the spot and having a breakdown, I would practice mindfulness
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Another day, another nutter in my inbox... this one found an entire prehistoric civilization in his backyard, replete with images of, um, "mammals" and some "TREX". Dozens of these images accompanied his multiple ranting emails. Truly, a great day to be a woman in science.
Serious question: how did pumpkin spice become female coded?
have we just considered David Brooks has the creeping onset of dementia and maybe he should retire and take care of himself
huh so the Zelda franchise on 3DS pretty much revived the name Zelda
I only think about Rome every day over Hannukah
Look, I'm sympathetic to the Khalistan independence movement but it's also really funny seeing the white settler state getting owned by Asians.
I hope he was paid for this
Be gay because it makes you happy not because it is an essential and unchanging part of your nature
Getting fish heads for Rosh Hashanah table
so uh anybody else out there working with intellectually and developmentally delayed people?
So I swear I clicked on the “Eilistraee” option but it seems to have made me a Cleric of Selune anyway? I guess I’ll have more fun options interacting with Shadowheart