Courtney Anne McNally

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Courtney Anne McNally

CHI -> NYC musician. bandleader of NYC Sight Reading Big Band
“herstory” is one of the cringiest wokeisms, i will die on this hill
since humans are the only creatures with asses, the existence of an ass on dummy thicc godzilla proves humans can mate and produce viable offspring with godzilla. in this essay i will
in nyc? like christmas music and/or jazz? come through!
youtube charging a 7$ premium for iphones. rude (android friend is getting 23$/mo on their phone)
If a horse moved in real life like the horse moves in chess we’d shoot it
Friends, this amazing technology we have here gives you the ability to reach out and irritate a complete stranger for no apparent reason. Use this power wisely.
straight up evil like oh, our drivers are getting paid more so we’re gonna make it so they get less tips even though that doesn’t give us a single extra penny
In response to a new law in NYC requiring them to pay delivery workers a higher min wage, Grubhub adjusted their automatic tip options yesterday (left) and again today (right) in their app. Previously it was a 10% to 25% range and now it’s 0% to 10%.
the gradual replacement of “exchanging money for goods” with “exchanging money for a license to use goods as a service” has been one low key one of the worst changes of the 21st century
this is exactly why i still buy discs in 2023. it's crazy to think that we are reaching a point where piracy will be the only option to own media once dvds and blu-rays are gone.
seeing makaya mccraven at pioneer works
My cat, currently: why are you moving? I just want to curl up and sleep Me: DO YOU NOT REMEMBER ONE HOUR AGO WHEN YOU WOKE ME UP Cat: but now you should be still
It’s quite telling that the response to Muslim/Arabs hurt and disappointed by Biden is not “how can Democrats earn back these voters” but “I hope you’re ok with Trump deporting you”.
If somebody says they aren't voting for your candidate the most effective thing to do is yell at them and tell them they deserve what they're going to get if they don't line up with you, it's the best way to let them know that you have their interests at heart, that's just marketing 101 baby.
me: i would like to give sony seventy american dollars and lose 30-50 hours of practice time to spider-man 2 sony: hahaha fuck you, 700$ or nothing me: ok, nothing
Me every time a politician who votes to fund our forever wars says we "can't afford" universal healthcare
i’m waging a one cat crusade against the jazz standard cherokee and no one can stop me
The implied social contract between you and a cat is they get to live in your house and be gross, and you get to bother them a little
Thanks to the internet I don't need to wait for the evening news to learn about recent events. I can read 2,000 posts from the most deranged people on earth and make up my own mind
Normally makes the memes for our Bach class but I made this one I'm particularly proud of.
running what is a half step away from a jam session is showing me there’s three types of musicians: -i will only play my instrument if i’m getting paid -i will only be at live music events if i’m playing -i like music and hanging out
i offered a friend my bass for a gig tonight so they could save an hour commuting and they declined saying they’re not super familiar with the instrument as a drummer, lol, absolutely lmao
i will never stop praising the comedy gold that comes from something awful
you think your niche internet community has drama; it was recently revealed that a goon with a notorious sports betting problem who had passed away from cancer actually faked his death this was discovered in part because he kept buying CoD and didn't change his name
the three genders: -bread with your soup -oyster crackers with your soup -an entire grilled cheese with your soup
Things I hate: Logging on to bluesky and seeing screengrabs of Elon musk tweets or richard hanananananaia tweets. Can't we leave the garbage over at the garbage place
i like the word Egyptology because it suggests that one day there will be Americology to try to figure out what the fuck was happening here