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Your parasocial pocket pal in STL. Content Manager, wanna be Guitar Guy but terminally online Void Screamer, Book loving costume wearer. He/Him
The Sweater Curse is also The Tattoo Curse, and The Anniversary Curse. Make a huge public deal/party out of your anniversary and divorce soon follows.
I need the ghosts of Freddie and David to rise up NOW!
Me at the pool last weekend, "HaHa! Ron Desantis wears lifts in his shoes!" Guy at pool, "I have 3" lifts in my boots. Me: I'm just talking about him. I don't know you, but I'm sure on you they're awesome.
Me after just now listening to a whole 10 seconds of the RNC: *Whispers softly If you have to keep harping on "strength, strength strength" then I don't think you're all that strong.
This is not the greatest joke in the world. This is a tribute.
I have a hard time finding jobs that match a storied but non-specific skillset because the career of Web Developer completely changed while I was doing other similar but not quite Web Dev stuff. I found a University opening that is literally a checkbox of my skill set of the last 10 years...
..."How to write a cover letter that stands out" From what? All the other people who read the same article at the top of the search or Glob Forbid have ChatGPT write it? I kept it short. Here's what I can do, I work well with a team or alone. I love books, am a reader, would love to work...
...In a library. It was all I could do to not say, "Hey! Look at my resume we fit together like a lock and key. Let's talk." Job hunting is the WORST, but not desperate yet because I'm still currently employed for now. I'm long past the hope of the perfect job. Or even the hope that...
...they'll contact me. Really this is just a post about the bullshit of cover letters in playing the game. All the experts, and all the advice really just comes down to who's looking at your stuff on any given day and what kind of mood they're in.
Reposted byAvatar CapnMarrrrk
I heard it was tuesday and some of yall had tips (🔗 in bio)
Oooh, I was 100. Come on 101
Slice 'o Life: It finally stopped raining. I'm out with Dolly Barkton After successfully dodging the Benton Park Saxophone Goose Serenader who Dolly thinks is a Giant Goose, and 2 cats, I turn the corner towards my sex+ coffee house (closed on Tues) and see a car with licence plate JZZLRD...
... I take a photo but what's the point I just typed it out. Believe me that's what it says. Then because she wasn't paying attention Dolly walked right over a bunny nest filled with baby bunnies which would have been a literal bloody shitshow. She is currently rebelling for an unknown reason.
Dear Stranger, THAT'S WHAT I DO, am doing
Secret Mission! Even better!
I'm practicing solarception. Actually you know what's probably increasing infertility? This brutal climate change heat my balls can't radiate thus turning my junk into a Testicular Death Valley™
I know what the words are I know who the author is that's it nothing more out of context mouth noise
BookSky 💙📚👀 GymSky🏋️‍♀️
Highly recommend reading everything has ever written. Or start with Couch to Barbell. I believe some soreness is understandable, but you should generally be able to climb stairs and sit down without feeling like the tin man without oil. It will pass.
Reposted byAvatar CapnMarrrrk
Vice President Vance isn’t here, you’ll have to talk to vice president Pogo
Reposted byAvatar CapnMarrrrk
I literally just heard Glen Beck give the speech he wants T to give, as if he were auditioning for speechwriter. Chock full of this, then..."that's why we need Project 2025. It lessen the power of the Presidency" Jeebus Christ that was one of the cheesiest things I've ever heard.
Reposted byAvatar CapnMarrrrk
New commission: a Muppet version of John Carpenter's THE THING featuring Kermit, Gonzo, Beaker, and a Yip-Yip! Mixed media on 9 X 12" watercolor paper. #MuppetMonday
Sintra! Sigggh! I need to live at Quinta da Regaleira so I can perform arcane rituals in the Well of Initiation