Christopher Golden

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Christopher Golden

Novelist, comics guy, screenwriter, husband, dad, perpetually trying to lose weight through hope alone.
So there's some news coming soon. But while you're're going to want to have read this. Get yours today! :)
Currently reading WEIRD BLACK GIRLS by Elwin Cotman. Goddamn. He was great before, but this collection is can't miss. Weird and creepy, with the kind of gorgeous, symphonic prose. Spread the word, because my weird friends need to read this.
Friends, @vueling is the worst airline in the world. Literally. In my life I have never encountered worse, and I was abandoned in Italy when Alitalia went on strike nineteen years ago. Vueling is a garbage fire. More when I finally get home. Someday.
Just booked my room for StokerCon 2025. I haven’t been to one in so long, I think it’s going to be like the first day at a new school.
I loved this book!
When a novel has this much praise from this many legends, you KNOW there's to a reason. Find out why & more love Monika Kim's debut novel, THE EYES ARE THE BEST PART out 6/25! Preorder here:
San Francisco friends!!! Holy crap! I can’t believe it’s coming up so soon! I will be signing with Paul Tremblay and Richard Kadrey at Book Passage on June 17th at 5:30 pm. Be there!!
If you’re thinking “that doesn’t look like a guy at StokerCon,” you’d be right. Have fun, friends! Maybe next time.
I salute E. Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels for being braver than all three branches of our government.
Friends...holy shit. I'm about 2/3 through CHURCH OF BONE AND RAIN, the upcoming novel by Gabino Iglesias, and it's magnificent. I keep thinking about Don Winslow (one of the best writers we have) crime novels, but this is a Don Winslow-esque Puerto Rican folk horror crime novel! Man, it's brilliant
Listen, the Final Boss in this fight is the American Oligarchy, but if we can't get past Trump, it's Game Over long before we get to that.
Sunday 6:30pm ET joins me on WESU 88.1fm talking horror and his book HOUSE OF LAST RESORT to scare you to your toes. streamed, or your fav radio app. Even bits of #Hellboy and Graphic Audio! Tune in!
I'm old enough to remember when you could block an email address and actually stop receiving emails from that address.
The End of the World as We Know It: Stories From Stephen King's THE almost ready to turn in to the publisher. 34 stories by 36 authors. Weird, violent, melancholy, and beautiful, the stories run the gamut. and I can't wait to share them with you.
The End of the World as We Know It: Stories From Stephen King's THE almost ready to turn in to the publisher. 34 stories by 36 authors. Weird, violent, melancholy, and beautiful, the stories run the gamut. Brian Keene and I can't wait to share them with you.
UK readers! Titan Books is bringing you this gloriously hideous paperback on 17 September! This cover couldn't be more different from the US cover, and yet I love them both for completely different reasons!
My "Hot Ones" is going to be me interviewing someone and between questions, I'll show them clips of their childhood idols revealing themselves to be trash humans.
If you don't understand why so many women would rather encounter a bear than an unknown man while walking in the forest, you don't have a lot of women in your life who are comfortable enough to be honest with you about their experiences with men.
Holy crap, kids. Watch INFESTED on Shudder. It’s Attack the Block meets schlock classic Kingdom of the Spiders. I loved it, and now I feel things crawling on me! Aaaahhh! The streamer really earned its name with this one!
Harvey Weinstein's rape conviction overturned because he was....**checks notes**.... TOO GUILTY?
Reminder: Amazon and Space X are fighting in court to have the NLRB declared unconstitutional. This means the two richest men on earth want to dismantle the agency that holds them accountable for union busting.
Horror legend Ray Garton has passed away. I only met Ray in person once, but he was very supportive early in my career. He wrote dozens of great horror novels, but will likely always be best known for LIVE GIRLS, which I'm still shocked has never been made into a movie. Rest in Peace, sir.
Good morning! A reminder that generative AI is a tool of the oppressor and should not be used for amusement, information, or income! Or for anything! Eat shit, robots! Have a great day, humans!
I'll be taking part in Salem Horror Fest, reading and chatting and signing on Sunday 4/28 alongside other wonderful authors. There are four groups of authors on four different days. I'm very much looking forward to hanging with Christa Carmen, Rob Smales, Kayla Cottingham, and Trisha Wooldridge!
It's just incredibly strange that after the near Swiftian level of devotion a massive number of fans showed for Wanda Maximoff, Marvel seems to have just shrugged. Hopefully there's news to come, but if not, it's just WEIRD.
Joe Lansdale is one of our best contemporary storytellers. His new novella, The Unlikely Affair of the Crawling Razor, brings Poe’s Auguste Dupin face to face with the God of the Razor in a beautiful & horrifying tale. This is Lansdale’s wild imagination at its best. From Subterranean Press 4-30-24
It’s fucked up that Jose Andres is the reason we’re seeing real change in the Gaza war, but good on him for seizing the moment to speak truth
"’This is not anymore about the seven men and women of World Central Kitchen that perished on this unfortunate event,’ Andrés said. ‘It's been six months of targeting anything that seems -- moves. This doesn't seem a war against terror.’”
Chef José Andrés says Israel's 'unforgivable' strike on his aid workers must force 'real reckoning' The Israeli drone strike that killed seven members of World Central Kitchen is something he
I wish the Rapture were an actual thing. All these putrid faux-Christians would be standing on solid ground watching people they hate rise to heaven, as forlorn as a child who couldn't hold onto their balloon string.
“This is not a normal war. The war in Ukraine has killed 500 kids in two years and the war in Gaza has killed over 10,000 in less than five months. We have seen wars before but this is something that is a dark stain on our shared humanity.”
‘Not a normal war’: doctors say children have been targeted by Israeli snipers in IDF says it ‘completely rejects’ charge that its soldiers deliberately fired on any of the thousands of civilians killed in Israeli offensive
WCK, one of the only orgs actually getting food to people, is pulling out of the region because of this. Israel's attack, which certainly appears targeted, is going to cause even more starvation.
"In a press release, WCK says its team was traveling in a de-conflicted zone in cars clearly marked with the organization’s logo, and that it had coordinated its movements with the IDF."
IDF Strike Kills 7 World Central Kitchen Members in Members of the nonprofit led by José Andrés were killed while working to deliver humanitarian food aid.
I have four VIP Tier-1 tickets for Taylor Swift in Lisbon on Saturday 5/25 that I need to sell. The app will release tickets on 5/11, so I won't be able to transfer them until then, so anyone wanting to buy them would have to trust me. Reach out.