Chad Loder

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Chad Loder

Community activist, cybersecurity expert, citizen journalist based in Los Angeles. 🌴☀️ they/them
Literally who said anything about Bernie?
The "Biden Too Old" drama is actually extremely relevant to the Supreme Court / Trump dictator conversations. The Democrats keep annointing flawed, white centrist candidates with 1970s politics who everyone is already kinda sick of. That's how we got stuck with Trump in 2016. Build a bench, ffs!
Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
Hillary was a terrible candidate in 2016, even more than she was in 2008 — and anyone who pointed out this obvious fact had Blue MAGA people screaming "sexist" at them. Blue MAGA spent the last five years screaming "ageist" at anyone who correctly pointed out that Biden is pretty obviously shaky.
Do you remember the name?
that sounds like reasonable harm reduction
*taps the sign*
There is precedent. 'President Donald Trump commended the U.S. Marshals for shooting Reinoehl, describing it as "retribution", and claiming to have personally "sent in" the U.S. Marshals to "get" Reinoehl during the first presidential debate with Joe Biden.'
Killings of Aaron Danielson and Michael Reinoehl -
My political opinion is that direct action gets the goods, the rest is (at best) harm reduction.
A lot of liberal strategizing is based on the correct assumption that liberals won't hold their politicians accountable in meaningful ways as long as there is always a Greater Evil™ to worry about. If there were no Republican Party, the Dems would have to create one.
A lot of liberal strategizing is based on the correct assumption that liberals won't hold their politicians accountable in meaningful ways as long as there is always a Greater Evil™ to worry about. If there were no Republican Party, the Dems would have to create one.
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
She's an incompetent, corrupt, and dishonest politician.
I disagree. Even Feinstein had plenty of advanced warning when she knew she should have retired. RBG certainly did.
Will this not lead to antibiotic resistance the same way it has in cattle?
If you criticize Biden's obvious mental decline, you are being ageist and ableist. You're also being racist and sexist because it's clear that you don't trust Kamala Harris to take over.
I see a bunch of Blue MAGA folks made it over here from the other site
Obama's last election was nearly 12 years ago. The party has had plenty of time to build a bench
It's the EGO of these geriatric fucks that gets me. Biden, RBG, Feinstein, all of em. and the entire establishment knows it but no Dem wants to go on the record and say hey, it's time for the Cryptkeeper to retire
Biden does not need to drop out of the race now. He needed to drop out a year ago. Nobody in the caucus has the courage to speak the very plain truth. They'd rather lose 2024 than to risk the wrath of Blue MAGA and fuck their own career down the road
Any good Biden debate memes?
And then there's international "adoption", aka literal for-profit child trafficking
Reposted byAvatar Chad Loder
Right-wing host Adam King, who compared Palestinians to "monkeys" on his show, stands behind LA's Mayor Karen Bass wearing his InfoWars hat as Bass thanks him and other Jewish leaders on stage for "standing against antisemitism", at a closed-door presser at the Simon Wisenthal Center in Los Angeles
Right-wing host Adam King, who compared Palestinians to "monkeys" on his show, stands behind LA's Mayor Karen Bass wearing his InfoWars hat as Bass thanks him and other Jewish leaders on stage for "standing against antisemitism", at a closed-door presser at the Simon Wisenthal Center in Los Angeles
asked and answered. next question
there's a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it
Sheen's was pretty mediocre. Nicholson's was terrible (and he overacted). Damon and Wahlberg's are real. DiCaprio, his accent was surprisingly good. He could almost pass for a native
You don't strike me as a cynic, though.
There was a short period of time where Boston movies were big. Some of the accents in that movie were pretty atrocious too