Chris Brockett

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Chris Brockett

Data janitor at Microsoft Research. Tsundoku expert. Leftover linguist, trying to shoehorn LLMs into gaming. Picking over the debris field of Natural Language Processing. Cognition. Japanese literature.
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A linguistics study in Antarctica "Antarctica, like outer-space, is known as an ICE environment – isolated, confined and extreme – meaning unlike other isolated communities, the rate of change for its vocabulary can be slower." SFF world-builders take note.
Fidlets, fingies and riding a doo: study sheds light on Antarctic English Dr Steph Kaefer spent three weeks documenting unique colloquialisms on the frozen continent after newcomers were struck by the distinctive vocabulary
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Incredibly cool linguistics research by Dr Steph Kaepfer out of University of Canterbury! 🧪
A linguistics study in Antarctica "Antarctica, like outer-space, is known as an ICE environment – isolated, confined and extreme – meaning unlike other isolated communities, the rate of change for its vocabulary can be slower." SFF world-builders take note.
Fidlets, fingies and riding a doo: study sheds light on Antarctic English Dr Steph Kaefer spent three weeks documenting unique colloquialisms on the frozen continent after newcomers were struck by the distinctive vocabulary
This is a smart essay, definitely worth reading by anyone interested in digital creativity (or the lack thereof).
The second piece, which I thought was well worth reading, is by a Cornell literature prof who runs the Humanities Lab, Laurent Dubreuil, and focuses on AI-and-art-and-creativity questions.
Metal Machine Music, by Laurent Can AI think creatively? Can we?
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like there's a 2d acoustic waveguide 700 feet under the ocean that spans the entire globe and distributes low frequency sounds over thousands of miles and whales use it as a chat line, fuckin' a
there's probably something meaningful about the fact that for the past week and a half or so I've only been interested in learning about things that happen deep under the ocean. anyhow the SOFAR channel: cool as hell!
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Brockett
What a fascinating mix of iconographies!
Fascinating site they’re excavating in Egypt on the Red Sea.
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my friend asked the other day how i planned to cover the growing fascism here and i said “i guess continue writing about it til i’m sent to prison? lol” it was a flip thing to say but it’s hard to imagine ever stopping. or fleeing. i’m feeling not quite patriotic, but protective of this country.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Brockett
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Florida fascism fully functional.
Wenn das der Führer wüsste...
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Will keep it in mind... but at present we're a hair's breadth from having to fold... even with offering 30% off our Hightower as an intro sales are atrocious... let's hope our direct sale specials will help keep us afloat A book takes about 1000 hrs to bespoke 🥴
So why hasn't this scum been arrested and investigated by the Treasury for counterfeiting?
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Brockett
They don't want Biden in, as a person who used to specialize in research on this they want to prep a narrative for the fall of a technically illegitimate election. It's not a move to stop it, it's a move to delegitimize.
I suspect one learns these things mostly by learning Latin and French, the old fashioned way, by contrastive grammar and translation. And that, TBH, is what they are good for.
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wenn das der Führer wüsste-- if only the Führer knew about it.
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Brockett
Russ Vought, the head of the Center for Renewing America and another key player in Project 2025 was Trumps head of the Office of Management and Budget, and tipped to be his next Chief of Staff.
A "weaponization of government" trope Another linguistic ruse by the people who actually want to weaponize government
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A key player in Project 2025 is Trump's former Director of Presidential Personnel Johnny McEntee. He is doing for Project 2025 what he was doing for Trump: screening federal employees for political loyalty.
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All of these guys leading Project 2025 were Trump White House officials. Paul Dans was closely involved in implementing Schedule F. The head of Heritage, Kevin Roberts, was selected as a pro-MAGA leader.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Brockett
“When you’re MAGA they let you do it.” (“it” = murder the political opposition)
The Texas parole board has unanimously recommended a pardon for ex-Army sergeant Daniel Perry, who was convicted of murder for the 2020 killing of Black Lives Matter protester Garrett Foster
Texas parole board recommends pardon for Daniel Perry, convicted of killing BLM A Texas parole board unanimously recommended a pardon for Daniel Perry, convicted of murder for the death of Garrett Foster during 2020 protests.
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For a long time the most disliked company in the US was a cable TV provider (Comcast) infamous for its lousy service and high prices. The late conservative government is what happens when you let the kind of people who run Comcast run a country.
The Heritage Foundation is already, and very publicly, working on a purge list of DHS officials. It will be easier for Trump to turn DHS into a personal militia than the armed forces.
It will also suffice, with a little help from folks like Erik Prince, who will doubtless be happy to do a little business, Prigozhin-style
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Brockett
Third Thursday Lecture - Join us for "City life and salon culture in Kyoto and Osaka, 1770-1900" by Dr Akiko Yano @britishmuseum on 18 July, 6-7pm BST at Norwich Cathedral Hostry & online. Explore Edo period salons & art! Free, booking essential. Register:
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If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.