Christopher Wilde

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Christopher Wilde

Co-Founder of The Queer Zine Archive Project; Sexuality Educator at Tool Shed Toys; Grinnell College alumni. Historian, archivist, zine maker. he/they
New in stock: an absolute bumper-crop of #zines in from Jade. If you enjoy queer perzines, veggie recipes, blackout poetry on the queerness of nature and dirt, cycling, or fancy giving yourself a face massage, check them out ✨
Lee, QZAP summer intern, wrote a broad review encompassing several queer zine titles, including venerable Diseased Pariah News, that show the fight and fury that PWAs (people with AIDS) gave in the face of an overwhelming pandemic. Humour, too, was another weapon in that fight.
The Zine of the Gay post for this week is about IFP, DPN, and AKFD. Lee is looking at some of the zines that came out in the late 1980s and early 1990s that were basically laughing with the tragedy that was the state of the AIDS crisis at the time.
The flier of prompts for this years International Zine Month! Today's prompt: cook a recipe you found in a zine. (From here: (Anyone got time to write out an alt-text version of this?)
Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
want to know more about the Queer Metadata Collective and our recommendations? Devon Murphy, Adrian Williams, Chloe Misorski and I will be speaking about "Queering Metadata" as part of SJSU iSchool’s Symposium Celebration of Pride Month. #critcat #qmdc #critlib #metadata #critarch 📚 📜
As a queer archivist, this conversation explores some of the same reasons I do the work I do, especially in preserving ephemera.
ICMYI I wrote about the importance of being a citizen archivist. We've seen so much incredible art and writing from marginalized people, and we need to preserve it in the face of a huge, well-funded backlash. This is something concrete you personally can do!
We Should All Be Lately, I keep obsessing about two seemingly opposing but interrelated trends: 1) The past decade has seen an incredible bounty of art and self-expression...
Just some of my GLAM zines by people within the GLAM community about GLAM subjects: The Borough Is My Library #1 and #2; Decolonizing Library Science; LIS Microaggressions; Reserve This Podcast Zine; Reserve and Renew #2: The LIS Mental Health Zine; and Two-Fisted Librarians. ✂️📚 #libraries #zines
People who weren’t alive during Nixon have no idea how creepy and evil he was. Stop trying to rehabilitate that murdering sack of shit.
The Media History Digital Library is a great collection of ephemera and books from the media industry in the #c20th I've found it really useful! 🎥 🗃️ mediahistoryproject....#c20th I've found it really useful! 🎥 🗃️ mediahistoryproject....
I almost corrected this account because reports were that she was murdered in the sacking of the institute. TURNS OUT: That's wrong. Historians last year found the original baptismal register in her hometown that registered an official name change in 1946: SHE LIVED.
Dora Richter, 1922. First GAS facilitated by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin. She lived until age 74. 🥰💗🏳️‍⚧️
Was wurde aus Dora? Dora Richter war die erste Person, die eine vollständige Geschlechtsangleichung erfahren hat. Ihr Weg als Patientin ist gut dokumentiert. Wer sie war, ist hingegen weitestgehend unklar. Ihre Spur verw...
Trump's now pretending to take the side of tipped workers, but his Labor Dept changed a rule to make it easier for bosses to pocket workers' tips. This cost tipped workers an estimated $700 million a year in wages.
Great blog post on the classic Canadian trans zine Gender Trash!
This week’s Zine of the Gay blog post from Lee is about Canadian queer zine GenderTrash. Ze explores various aspects of the zine, including its use of terminology, a piece discussing The Crying Game, and how the zine’s style places it decisively in the 1990s.
[At the gay club] HIM: Dude what’s in your pocket? ME: I’m doing the handkerchief code thing. HIM: That’s a semaphore flag. Where did you even get this? [Meanwhile, at sea] SAILOR: Sir the merchant frigate has indicated it’s a bottom into blowjobs
I’m recruiting an MLIS student for a paid internship this Fall 2024 to work on a series of online tutorials. You can find more information here:…. Feel free to share! Apply by July 1! 📚
Made these graphics for Pride. Inspired by having to work a pride event where cops had a whole fucking recruitment booth. (see: first pride was a riot. A RIOT).
Happy Pride Month, Y’all! For the month of June we’ll be bringing back our “Zine of the Gay” blog posts over at QZAP. To kick things off, Lee* has a great piece about the infamous Queers Read This from 1990.
Also, please remember that, despite the media framing, this is an election interference case more than a hush money case.
And the foreman came up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said to me "sir, you are so guilty, I have never seen someone so guilty in my life"
Hey friends, my book has been hyped about its Eisner nomination for Best Scholarly/Academic Work & wants to remind you that the deadline to register to vote if you haven’t voted before is tomorrow, May 30, via this form:
Oooohhh I have done some fun events here. Pitch in if you can!
Established in 1970, Glad Day is the world’s oldest 2SLGBTQ bookstore. It has been at the heart of Canadian struggles for sexual liberation, free speech and creativity. Glad Day is in crisis & needs to raise $100,000 by the end of June in order to continue. Please donate, please share. More info:
Save Glad Day — Glad
One of my sources told me he wanted physical copies of my latest piece to pass out to folks in his community. I created a layout. Printed more than a dozen copies. And shipped it off today. This is more accessible for people without internet or lack digital literacy skills.
Uk zine events calendar just got a little update: (tell me about your events, I'll get them added next week)
I can't believe this is tomorrow... but it is. Join us in Brooklyn for the Black Zine Fair!
I sent this message to the UMass administration yesterday: "I was looking forward to speaking next week at UMass Amherst. I visited two years ago and everyone was awesome. My nephew graduated from there and got a great education. But calling the cops on peaceful protesters is a shameful act...” 1/2
On Saturday, May 18th, 2024, we are beyond thrilled to be collaborating with our friends at Lion’s Tooth here in Milwaukee to bring Margaret Galvan, a 2017 QZAP scholar-in-resident, back to Milwaukee to talk about her new book In Visible Archives: Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s.