Sailing Through the End of Days

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Sailing Through the End of Days

#ClimateCatastrophe #GreenNewDeal #StopBurningOil #FreeAssange #FreePalestine

Ocean sailor and renewable energy engineer trying to do his part to save the planet and its inhabitants.

FYI: Bernie was right, so they screwed him. (and us) That's Empire!
All hands on deck - please email your senators to make it clear you do not support this new antisemitism legislation, which puts the hands of defining antisemitism in evangelical extremists.
The Nation’s Conscience The courageous stance of students across the country in defiance of genocide is accompanied by a near total blackout of their voices. Their words are the ones we most need to hear. Chris Hedges
The Nation’s The courageous stance of students across the country in defiance of genocide is accompanied by a near total blackout of their voices. Their words are the ones we most need to hear.
I see value in vocal Anti-Zionism. I'm distributing Palestinian Liberation and Anti-Zionist art on shirts, to arrive by Nakba Day on May 15th. They are screen printed by very experienced friends and $10 each, including shipping. I make no money. Sale ends tomorrow.
It's difficult to accept the fact that I am a citizen of a corporatocratic authoritarian empire where profit is more important that the future of humanity.
“I think we are headed for major societal disruption within the next five years... [Authorities] will be overwhelmed by extreme event after extreme event, food production will be disrupted. I could not feel greater despair over the future.”
World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C Exclusive: Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds
What we're seeing is unprecedented. The masks the USA and Israel had been wearing have finally come off. What's under it is terrifying - The US Empire, a militarized police state largely controlled by zionists & zealots, and "ready" for an unwinnable war.
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: The War Parties and the November Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: The War Parties and the November Election
Avatar Global map of student solidarity - 112 and counting
Dear University Presidents: They are coming for you. They don’t care if you give in to every single demand, roll over and play dead. They are coming for you. Stop treating this like a good faith inquiry from civic minded leaders. It’s a hit job.
@ABC: House Speaker Mike Johnson is calling on Columbia University president, Minouche Shafik, to resign unless she can improve what he called her failure to handle the anti-Israel protests on campus.
The potential for this new RNAi vaccine technology is staggering... Influenza, HIV, HSV, HPV. The list goes on. It makes me wonder what the potential downsides are though. There are usually no free lunches.
This whole onslaught of AI across all facets of life illustrate the predatory nature of our current form of uber-capitalism. Instead of a cohesive study of how AI could benefit man, then safe, responsible implementation, we have every corp trying to figure out how to use it in for profit, poorly.
When I was a kid reading tons of science fiction, I never considered the future where I'd be sitting on a 50 year old sailboat updating my TOOTHBRUSH to version 1.5.3 over "Bluetooth". #AlternateRealities
they did it, they fucking did it, mashallah they've banned all cars
UPDATE: Tennessee GOP Gov. Bill Lee has signed SB 2691, which bans the "intentional release of chemicals into the air." The new law — which takes effect on July 1, 2024 — is based on claims about so-called "chemtrails" made by fringe conspiracy theorists.
Why Are GOP State Lawmakers Introducing Bills Based on Claims by Fringe Conspiracy Theorists? For years, conspiracy theorists made wild claims about 'chemtrails,' 5G WIFI, and geoengineering. Now, GOP lawmakers in several states have introduced bills based on claims by conspiracy theorists.
I'm not sure what kind of world we live in when this sort of thing can be simply swept under the rug, especially in the middle of a US election cycle. How can governments still support Israel? When did optics stop mattering? Are we at that point in history, like the Weimar Republic was in 1929?
During the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital, the Israeli army shot patients in their beds and doctors who refused to abandon the sick, separated people into groups with differently-colored bracelets, and executed hundreds of civil government employees.
‘Come out, you animals’: how the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital During the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital, the Israeli army shot patients in their beds and doctors who refused to abandon the sick, separated people into groups with differently-colored bracelets, and...
My impression was that lithium ion round-trip efficiency and electric motor efficiency were already pretty great, so it's kind of incredible to imagine this magnitude of further efficiency gains for EVs. Very cool.
EVs are already ~4 times more efficient than internal combustion cars, but they're still in their infancy and could further double efficiency by 2050 according to a new NRDC & EPRI report. dives in:
Home heating oil is expensive Regulations that prevent installation of new fuel oil heating systems is a customer protection measure at this point
The #SolarEclipse from space, as observed by the NOAA weather satellites. That dark patch over America is the Moon’s shadow. Look at those reddish edges where less eclipsing was happening. We not only see eclipses looking up, but also looking down on Earth! HT Simon Proud 🔭🧪📸
With apologies for the boomer screenshots: Huge increase in Google search trend ‘my eyes hurt’ follows the path of the total eclipse across the US almost exactly
Because of the Inflation Reduction Act, other policies, & innovation, US installed solar & wind power capacity in 2030 is now projected to be double what it would have been before the start of the Biden Administration. Double! That’s good. Let’s do even more now.
Pretty good stat illustrating how much solar capacity we've installed in this country since 2020 tbh
The resistance to critical perspectives--in culture, politics, science, and many other areas of life--seems to forget that critique is a signal that we care about something. We tend not to waste energy critiquing things that don't matter.
The Israel lobby is fractured, and so at last is the Jewish community The Palestinian genocide is providing a moment of reckoning for the Jewish community.
The Israel lobby is fractured, and so at last is the Jewish The Palestinian genocide is providing a moment of reckoning for the Jewish community.
As a general reminder, when asks for something to be declassified, it's because he knows what's in it and knows that the public should too...
instead of sanctioning Tiktok how about we demand algorithmic transparency from all social media platforms
I have an idea. How about every Internet service that will now have to implement an "Internet ID" to identify and age users simply shut Florida off from their services, completely. Problem solved. You're welcome. Kids face social media app ban in Florida
New here to Bluesky. Here are my favorite topics, feel free to add me! Climate Crisis Sustainability Science Renewable Energy Technology Solar & Wind Turbines Molten Salt Reactors (MSR) Fusion Future Sailing Scuba/Free Diving Free Assange and Indy Media Free Palestine Stop Empire Peace Not War