
Ugh can someone please give me the tldr on Neil fucking Gaiman while I rewatch The Killing Type music video Amanda Palmer made about him
yes these allegations are real and credible, -yes and- his marriage to Amanda itself was a red flag. I went to one of her spoken word tours with a few friends who have known her personally: she made a racist joke, made jokes at the expense of the people who called her put on the racist joke...
and then tried to lead the crowd in an impromptu session of "forgive your rapist" and was trying to "come on!" everyone who booed and tried to sit it out. We all left vowing to not even play her ass on spotify
excuse impromptu session of WHAT?????
I was livid: like a big through line of the show was about a very abusive relationship she was in, dovetailed into vague implications of complicity that were honestly already losing the crowd, and finally at the climax of her story, was like, "everybody get up! Who's been assaulted in their life?"
once it became clear what she was trying to reach for SO MANY people sat down SO FAST, some were booing
my God. and the way she drops something as triggering as "forgive your rapist" and then goes "I want to keep performing my show" everything I learn about her is awful lmao
really did feel like "haha, I did an art. made you feel something. you're all so programmed or repressed! anyhoo, only 10 mins left in the show! no time to take this anywhere but retraumatization and confusion byeeee~!"
smh so very cruel of her.
I don't remember if she and Gaiman lived here but she was a recognizable figure around Boston back in the day and has a reputation for being a pretty awful person.