
TSM. If you know, you know.
TSM. If you know, you know.
Hothead, crank, parent, weirdly charismatic according to the people who've kept talking to him for (checks watch) thirty years.
Writer. Artist. Hermit in the attic. she/ her
jsch54 ✍️🎨📚 🇺🇦
jsch54 ✍️🎨📚 🇺🇦
MFA in painting, one time adjunct instructor, working on short stories set in the Regional Alliance world & painting. Interests include art, nature, cats, dogs, science, books, scifi, archaeology, prehistoric art, music.
my blog:
Fact With Me
Fact With Me
🌟 Discover amazing facts with me every day! 🧠 #StayInformed #FactWithMe
Hyacinth Bucket
Women’s rights advocate, believe in Democracy, truth matters, vote Blue, refugee from Post #Post
rainmanbun (Terribly Hinged era)
rainmanbun (Terribly Hinged era)
not a fan of unjustifiable hierarchy. chemical engineering enthusiast. they/them.
Leslie Thomsen
Leslie Thomsen
Citizen. Seeker. Optimist. Stepmom.
Jeff Abraham
Jeff Abraham
Software lead at MSFT. Husband, dad to two kids. Curious, and trying to learn more.
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
Jason Li
Jason Li
Designer🤹🏻‍♂️artist🤹🏻‍♂️educator. Co-creator of The Hanmoji Handbook, 🦙, 🪳. Team Paradise Systems and ZINE COOP ✍🏽

Links and things 👀
Semiotic Stochastic the Kidney Failer🇵🇸
Semiotic Stochastic the Kidney Failer🇵🇸
Neurodeviant, AuDHD, PKD, on dialysis. Past my halfway point. Electronic sound maker. People sketcher. Nudity enjoyer. Show me your pets. MDNI 🔞DM at discord: Mitdasein #FreePalestine 🇵🇸

Beep boops:
Benjamin Gorman
Benjamin Gorman
Author, poet, abolitionist teacher, publisher at Not A Pipe Publishing, host of Writers Not Writing, intersectional feminist, anti-racist, SFWA member, (he/him).
Leon Stevens
Leon Stevens
Multi-genre author (poetry and science fiction) and all around funny guy.
All my links will be here:
Ariko Robert 🌈
Executive Director at Davina's Hope Orphanage Home
I am a Humanitarian Volunteer, advocating for children.
I have four years experience working with Humanitarian Organization, NGOs, CBOs and Human Rights Organization in Uganda.

I am a dog-lover🐶
Deniable Credibility
Deniable Credibility
caught you peeking.


[transgender, she/her]
Scott Thurston
Scott Thurston
Hockey fan, professional geek
Chloë Lum
Chloë Lum
Installation artist. Perfume fanatic. Chronically ill. Communicates with objects. Concordia University PhD student (disability studies + performance studies + practice-based research.) Ex jammer, current failure. She/her Edmonton/Montréal
Author Cassidy Carson
Author Cassidy Carson
Author, podcaster, photographer, dreamer. Partner of the ever-awesome JT Hume.
Alec Xander Jak
Alec Xander Jak
I guess I should put something in my bio. 😸🏳️‍🌈👨‍🔬🎮🧩👨‍🍳 Or just some representative emoji. Yeah, that works. Until there's a Gritty emoji: Philadelphia. Very Tumblr sense of humor.
Social Justice/Transgressive Fiction writer & part-time cat furniture. If you see something going sideways, say something, do something. We can save ourselves.
Currently in hermit mode in a little city near the ocean
Summareels is your ultimate app for concise, insightful summaries of movies and TV shows.
Simone Faré
Simone Faré
Writer and reader. Software developer, gamer, old-style nerd. Expert in finding spare time for social networks.

Webcomic (italian):
Wattpad (italian):
I'm pretty mercurial.
Lisan Al Swearengen
Lisan Al Swearengen
Kevin. He/him. Writer. Actor. Former Lead Comics Writer at PopMatters. Former contributor to MTV Geek. Former retail roustie. Ranked competitive nap-taker. Magneto Was Right. Very cute. Was kind of hoping that magic hobo was full of shit.
Ben Pine
Ben Pine
Physicist, consultant, code monkey, recovering runner, coffee drinker.
Fish 🐡
Fish 🐡
Currently addicted to prompting. AI prompt therefore AI am?
Teacher. French. TESOL. Czech. RPCV.
S.E. Frost
S.E. Frost
IT professional by day, devourer of SF&F worlds anytime. Have library card, won't travel (without several books anyway.) I follow great authors... on SM, not IRL because that's creepy. He/Him ADHD
Scribbler of speculative fiction.
Voder of BORG
Voder of BORG
#author, Film Maker, Tech Head, Gamester, Space Man, #Queer #actuallyautistic #IT #cosplay #Warhammer40k
“Goddamn you all, I told you so.”—H.G. Wells, science fiction author, Desired Epitaph
Rowena Reddragon
Rowena Reddragon
International Woman of Mystery
Sauntering my Ass out of Patriarchy
Travel Style Guide 👇
Helen Kurki
Helen Kurki
Biological Anthropologist, UVic prof, sometimes I paint, draw, or pastel, occasionally I run.
Liz Ham
Liz Ham
The only writer, came from Twitter, "gamer," Movie Lover, Autistic, OSDD. 🏳️‍⚧️ (She/they)
Portrait photography. Based in the United States, Seattle Area.
Nick Mazmanian
Nick Mazmanian
Author/Narrative Designer
Game Dev: System Shock, Chef RPG
I'll write stories for you!
Writer of books:
Jack Iwashyna
Jack Iwashyna
I work at Johns Hopkins to help patients + their loved ones heal from critical illness. I mentor clinicians and other scholars to become exceptional scientists.

Democracy is good.

Other stuff #ICU #PublicHealth #Sociology #HealthEquity #Justice #Balt
Jayden Hayward 1
Jayden Hayward 1
I am from Germany.
Mitch Mills
Mitch Mills
Robert Carl
Robert Carl
🐶 Dog lover | 🌿 Nature enthusiast.. 🇺🇸⚓
Reader, writer, newbie streamer and gamer! They/Them

Trans rights are human rights! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🦄
George S
George S
Also @ harmonygritz elsewhere. These fractured networks, and the quest to (re)group and (re)build them, remind me of the Battlestar Galactica diaspora. I am the other person you see wearing a mask in the store.
Karen B
Karen B
Slowly working my way back into short-form social media with more than a couple dozen regular posters. Stay tuned for further developments.

From Chicago; in Wisconsin. She/her
Jacey Bedford
Jacey Bedford
Writer of F & SF.
Reader & occasional reviewer.
Hon. sec. of Milford Writers
Susan Stinson
Susan Stinson
Novelist. Author of Martha Moody, Spider in a Tree, and Venus of Chalk from Small Beer Press. Recent essay in The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies. Triker. she/her.