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Writer. Artist. Hermit in the attic. she/ her
Also going to gently say that we should all get paid fairly for our work and that includes writers and artists and cover designers etc etc
Talked to several designers for book projects and they've all been hit super hard by AI Anyway if you have a cover project consider a cover artist
We're 344 subscribers away from where we were before Amazon pulled the rug out from under their traditional subscription program. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but still much work to do.
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Subscribe to Clarkesworld Magazine
should i boost this meme on instagram lmao
me: i need to write me, 30 seconds later: what if i make a meme instead, this is productive and authentic bc it is self promotion but also depressing
What are four comics you not only like, you draw inspiration from (pt 2)
What are four comics you not only like, you draw inspiration from (pt 1) (It was too hard to pick just four 🤐)
Something you may have missed yesterday - The Biden Administration is going to unveil a nationwide rent control proposal. It's going to be challenging to implement, and will require control of both chambers, but they're working on it.
Biden to unveil plan to cap rents as GOP convention The policy plan comes as the president tries to assure Democrats about the viability of his candidacy.
Andrew, a man who doesn't want to be an earl and is trying his best to not be one, despite what legal technicalities say, is a man of fewer wants. You can preorder The Earl who Isn't, coming July 30, 2024, here:
Judged by Pants, 7/16/2024.
Pants is shocked, shocked I say, that you may not have hydrated, taken any meds you need, eaten something, and taken a moment to breathe. Look how concerned she is for you. You should do those things so she can relax.
Welp i give up, and im tired lmao Not gonna make 50 million redraws of it like last time so yeah At least it looks better from afar tho 👍🏾 #Art #OC #RuiiArt #RuiiOCs #PowerTwined
Yeah it suppose to be a redraw and an update from that drawing in 2021 So far much better haha 👍🏾 #RuiiOCs #WIP #PowerTwined
My air conditioner has broken during an extreme heat warning, which is not ideal! If you'd like to help me out AND get some great art, I'm running a sale on my shop right now with code "HEAT" (25% off your order!) The discount applies to mini commissions, prints, and originals!
"I'm not obliged to say anything about any subject at all" has been an extremely freeing mantra. Said this in an interview once when asked about some drama or other: "I don't know enough about that to comment." It COMPLETELY took interviewer by surprise. She didn't know how to respond 🤣
Black and white comms from this weekend :)
✨🏬 Gacha Adoptables Batch 02! $30USD/pull, $35USD to pick the one you want! #artshop #adoptshop #gacha #bsnm You can see other designs in the pool here!
Art Fight pieces from yesterday! Soil for Az and Deo for Grizzby for LadyBeans
Art Fight attacks from yesterday! Arick and Lyranari for Ayana and The Bard for
Anyone need some #ClipStudioPaint brushes or transformable perspective grids? Links below!
Reader, she was genuinely mortified
Portrait of a cat who misjudged a jump and fell into the recycling bin and actually would rather not talk about it, thank you very much
A very not-so sloppy-ish but also not-so great quick art of my other OCS Walter and Kareena for their own fluff pic together hehe 👍🏾 #RuiiOCs #PowerTwined #OC #Art #RuiiArt
This is pretty darn neat!
I'm Azer from Team Seafoam and this is my first artfight. I've had a lot of fun drawing so many different cool characters ;-;
Artfight 2024 #16 – Revenge 1 for xxxyoukai Fgdgfgd, I loved their piece and we have a very similar taste in characters xD
If you absolutely feel you must, at least ask what someone is looking for. If someone wants to vent, they probably don't want advice. If you think they want advice but you don't know them well, and you can't stay shut, ask for clarification.
General PSA that we need pretty much daily here: unless someone says "I need advice", it is probably safe to say they do not need advice. I know folks like to be Helpful. *I* have that tendency too! But I practice not helping unless asked, especially with strangers/acquaintances.
Had I Not Seen the Sun
Robin's clothes from HSR on my OC L'yn. ♥
Ooooh local stickers!!!
I work at Rockin' Stickers! We're a small business in the PNW and our stickers and our little crew are amazing (I print my own stickers in-house, too)! I love us so much, please consider ordering your stickers from Rockin' Stickers! 💛
my idea landlord came over and installed 17 new plots while I was in the shower, honestly who asked for this
It’s so frustrating — I just cannot get my idea landlord to come over and repair this leaky plot in my WIP novel. At this point it’s threatening to undermine the entire foundation of my main character.
Hummingbird clearwing on the beebalm yesterday, damn I love that lens! #insects