
LMAO Elon's brand is so closely associated with abject failure and a cult following that people are rethinking their healthcare decisions
got a cybertruck question for the ladies
I would switch doctors immediately.
I know it’s a joke about the cyber truck but holy smokes. Won’t even do an ultrasound when the person is in debilitating pain?
Yeah, there are a lot of red flags there.
well to be fair, she really sounds like she doesn't have a clue how to be a doctor either. correlation isn't causation but I wouldn't let this person have so much as a picture of a speculum.
There is a nearby rural ER and there is a cyber truck there on the reg. I joked when we were driving by, if I ever need an ER, drive the extra 20min to skip this one. I seriously question the brainpower and decision making capacity of a person who voluntarily buys one.
Any maga doctor is a threat
Our kids’ pediatrician sent her kid to school maskless despite a mask mandate during Covid—and then their family protested the consequence that the kid was kept out of class for being without a mask—and I told their mom this showed, at the very least, bad judgment, but she wanted to give the doctor
another chance. A few months later, she was revealed as the poster of some seriously racist shit on Facebook and when I found about it, I asked her, “now?” and she said “now.” It turned out, though, that she was also fired from the practice after this so it was moot.
Bottom line: warning signs are warning signs for a reason.
I have a cousin (love her, wish her the best) who’s studying to become a nurse despite being proudly vax-skeptic……. So we’ll see how that plays out lol
I have friends and immediate family who are pediatricians. That’s a wild aberration and someone who should not be practicing medicine.
I found a different sleep specialist when I realized the one I had wrote a regular rightwing column for the local paper. It wasn't just that he was a rightwinger. It's that his "reasoning" was terrible even for a rightwing columnist. I couldn't trust his medical advice.
Run from anyone driving a cyber truck
i question the judgment of anyone who has recently purchased any tesla product. they're advertising that they don't process data realistically or perhaps even at all.
It really is a perfect litmus test for someone being an untrustworthy moron
Have to admit, when an ophthalmologist I visited pooh-poohed Covid concerns (this was post-vaccine, but there were still lots of cases), and I discovered he gave money to Trump, I went to a different office the next time. And I ended up with him again because that was his day to be in that office.
I’m not sure I’d trust someone with such poor judgment to paint my walls, much less practice medicine on me.
LMAO Elon's brand is so closely associated with abject failure and a cult following that people are rethinking their healthcare decisions
Safest on the road???? Nah get the fuck out of there
Pretty much every sentence is a red flag! Having a Cybertruck is just the rotten cherry atop the pile of poop. Also, as I started to read, I thought it was a male OBGYN. Any female that likes Musk is creepy and gaslit to heck and back.