
Wouldn't be a stretch to say Biden needs to use his new powers to stop America from becoming Nazi Germany and arrest these people. That's absolutely official business of the country.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
What sucks is Biden was ruthless 20 years ago. Just a vile dude who would lie and cheat to get what he wanted. Now he has power but he’s a doddering old man. Unlucky.
agreed. biden was absolutely ruthless in getting clarence thomas appointed to the supreme court. knives were definitely out against anita hill.
Y’know what, I don’t think I’m gonna sit here and listen to people saying he’s any less relentless now than he ever was. Just look at the way he’s aggressively advocated for more money for the people who are going to gladly act as the muscle under an authoritarian regime.
The question is does he have the guts to do it
Been saying this even before the Supreme Court ruling. Biden could fix all of this right now, and has gone on record that he won't.
Jill and her friends keeping this farce going should do something about this. Unfortunately all they know is vote.
biden is exponentially worse neville chamberlain.
Can we trick him into thinking Heritage are Palestinian or Houthi or some shit? He'll go to the mattresses for that.
As is expanding the supreme court.
Biden doesn't have "new powers". He now has a theoretical *license* to break the law, but the corrupt court decides when that applies, and it's designed for Trump--as a leash.
It’s kinda wild that they’re doing their touchdown dance now? Before it’s even clear they’re going to make it into the endzone? Are they just looking at Biden’s debate performance and deciding there’s no way they’ll lose to him or that he’ll do anything to stop them?
The Insurrectionist Court took a gamble on #PresidentialImmunity and has won bigly. They gambled that #Biden would be too frozen in his ways to use the horrific #officialact powers. 😵 Biden has already said that he won't even though 👹 Biden also states Trump will. There is no #DarkBrandon.
At a certain point Biden is complicit if he doesn't do something. And I mean, actively complicit, not "well he's got a certain view of politics and his presidential power that not every shares"