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You gotta seize the means to party
Man, I’m happy for the UK, but it sucks that they’re dunking on us this bad on our own Independence Day. Labour is picking up like 200 seats, meanwhile our Supreme Court decides we have a king again.
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
I *would* celebrate Independence Day today, but it looks like we’re back to having a king now, and I don’t want to run afoul of any recent Supreme Court rulings.
The wilhelm scream isn't funny. Those characters are dying
I’ve thought about it, and I support replacing Biden on the ticket (probably with Harris) ultimately, because it is the ethically correct thing to do. Biden is disqualified to be President any longer, both mentally, and morally as a result of his disastrous Gaza policy.
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Jesus fucking Christ
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Your honor, with all due respect, I’ve got a long list of ex-lovers, and they’ll tell you I’m insane.
Your honor, with all due respect, what a fool believes he sees, a wise man has the power to reason away
Your honor, with all due respect, EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting.
Your honor, with all due respect, If I get stoned and sing all night long its'a family tradition
Look, Giant Meteor isn’t my top choice of candidate, but it has the best chance of defeating the GOP in the general…
Biden’s policy on Gaza is “a failure and a threat to U.S. national security” that “dehumanizes both Palestinians and Jews” and should be immediately overhauled, 12 former government officials who quit their posts over Biden’s controversial approach argued in their first joint public statement.
Exclusive: 12 Biden Administration Resignees Blast 'Intransigent' Gaza Joe Biden "has prioritized politics over just and fair policymaking" on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former government officials argued in their first joint statement since quitting.
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
The President can’t pass regulations with formal emissions standards and legal proceedings to challenge or enforce them, but he CAN, now, simply order that the CEO of any oil corporation be executed. The SC did not think this through.
Simply put, neither the Supreme Court nor the Presidency should exist. In a modern country, they would have a constitutional court, and a prime minister—not the king and clerics we are governed by. The American political system is outdated, corrupt, and ultimately not worth saving.
My only hope now is that this decision backfires on Trump electorally but even if that’s the case, we’ll eventually get another Republican President who wants to use this ruling to do all the same things.
What a fucked up lifetime of being betrayed and sold out by "the adults in the room"
Pouring one* out for my homies (*an Aperol spritz)
Since we’re in 2016 relitigation mode: my take is that it’s ridiculous to assume that 100% of Jill Stein voters were ideologically coherent and committed leftists, and the idea that there were 45,000 such voters in Pennsylvania that did not vote for Clinton is highly dubious!!
Maybe I’m being naively optimistic but it seems to me that the conservative movement, and the conservative SCOTUS justices in particular, have very little to gain and something to lose from ruling in Trump’s favor on the Immunity case. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did but I kinda think they won’t
Just be yourself, unless you can be Tony the Tiger
Gonna keep saying this & will die on this hill: Bad news without any guidance on what to do about it [at least some ideas] demobilizes and often encourages inaction. We on the Left(s) have to avoid cynicism which is deeply corrosive and also counterrevolutionary.
Biden did his job. He stopped Sanders and that’s actually all that mattered to them.
Lotta those red state white MAGAs gonna be real dang surprised when they find out just how much they depend on food grown in California by Latinos
Problem: A lot of rural people think they can starve the cities into submission. I hate to say this but, until we figure out how to synthesize everyone, we're kinda at their mercy.
I considered watching the debates but then decided to go on a walk with my wife and infant son instead.
Weird fact: 1 mile per gallon = 0.425 mm^-2. Gallons per mile, as a unit, is just an area.
I get the sense that the Biden campaign is trying to focus on painting him in a positive light over painting Trump in a negative one and I’m sorry but that’s just a bad, bad strategy at this point.