
We couldn't even get liberal justices to retire from SCOTUS in a timely fashion because they loved the limelight and the French have convinced Macronists to stop being selfish and save the country.
"At least 200 candidates from both the left-wing alliance and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition pulled out of the order to unite behind those remaining contenders with the best chance of beating Le Pen’s nationalists"
French election: Rivals unite against Le Pen’s far Hundreds of candidates from Macron’s camp and the left-wing alliance withdraw in an effort to keep the National Rally out.
libs obviously going to lib, but I can't help but think about how having had an experience of fascism helps clarify the stakes
That’s because the French know how to protest
yes. RBG's ego and hubris certainly helped get us into this. Roberts likely would not have gone along with at least some of the insane decisions from the last couple years if it was a 5-4 court.
France has gone through so many more revolutions, attempts at democracy, and iterations of government than the US has. They've been conquered multiple times, conquered a large chunk of Europe, and abolished a monarchy all in the time the US has existed. They have more practice at it than we do.
Yeah... but they are like... fighting over control of France... France. I'd prolly quit too.
having control of France is a good predictor of quitting a fight for control of France
Fwiw, both the Left coalition and Macron's party have both committed to pulling out their people so it's a mutual agreement to tell the Fash to fuck itself from the Left and Center (though both the current PM and the coordinator for the leading left party have stated they wont coalition together)
and if the center parties are in the driver seat, they might still coalition with the non-fash RW over some of the Left if it means a more favorable formation of the government. If the Left parties are in the driver's seat it's a different story but it'll still depend on who has how much
I'm glad that most/many of the Macronist members are doing the right thing despite Macron trying to get them to stay in explicitly to help Le Pen win.
France in Civ games should just be in a constant state of rebellion and fight every order you give them and still able to stay in the game.
curious what role the cultural memory of both monarchy and revolution plays in this, if any (any France Understanders online?)
The social consequences of allowing Le Pen to win would just be higher, I think. If you're a Macronist and you don't step aside, I think you would get run out of polite society in a way that we have trouble imagining happening in the United States.
No one took "become ungovernable" to heart like the French.
Our equivalent would be Democrats abandoning costly, both in money and voter apathy, primaries against their actual left members. See Latimar’s alienating attacks on Bowman in Westchester NY. This and Hochul’s screwup on congestion pricing could hand NY State to Trump. see Latimer and Bowman
In fairness, they have many more mistresses to keep them busy after they stop working.
Canada could take a lesson - we have 2 left/centre left parties = 60 to 65% of voters and 1 right wing party = 35 to 40% of voters. The two left parties are too selfish to work together & the voters won't put county over party so we keep losing to the right with less than 40% of the vote.