Here's the thing: Trump *is* an authoritarian who wants to destroy democracy. This isn’t a smear, it’s a fact. That Trump got shot doesn’t change the necessity of him being defeated at the ballot box, nor does it absolve him of his past misdeeds.
Multiple things are true about Trump's Political violence is wrong. And Trump is the candidate of political violence.
Ok, I need everybody to read Section III-A of Alito's dissent in the Idaho abortion case. He says - explicitly and specifically - that in cases where the amniotic sac breaks before the 24th week of pregnancy, abortions should be prohibited. HE SPECIFICALLY NOTES THE DANGERS. He points out that...
Teen Vogue yet again outperforming The New York Times in adapting to today's threats
“authoritarianism in the United States is often discussed in terms of who will win the White House in November. What’s happened in the last few years under both Democratic and Republican leadership at the local, state, and federal level shows the need to hold all parties accountable.”
Welcome to the United States of Our new series documents the recent crackdown on dissent and protests in the U.S.
the fact that we can look at most major problems with our lives and guess "this is the fault of private equity" - and have that actually be correct a shockingly large percentage of the time - is an excellent reason to regulate the industry into the ground
"Veterinary prices have soared more than 60% over the past decade, according to federal stats. Private equity firms and large corps have bought 100s of facilities around the country, an acquisition spree reminiscent of the corporate roll-ups of doctors’ offices."
Why You’re Paying Your Veterinarian So People have grown more attached to their pets — and more willing to spend money on them — turning animal medicine into a high-tech industry worth billions.
Isn't he supposed to whine that the judge is biased and the prosecutor is ugly and his son did nothing wrong at all and this is all the result of haters and losers and campaign interference and the sun got in my eyes and the ground is uneven here and
Statement from Joe Biden the dad as Hunter Biden’s trial on gun charges begins in Delaware (via Tyler Pager, WaPo)
can we the media stop referring to streets and neighborhoods as “leafy.” you can just put “rich.” there’s no law.
“If they can convict a president for breaking the law, they can convict anybody!” Right, that’s the whole point. Our laws actually apply to everyone. Congrats on just now figuring out how that works.
People underestimate and misunderstand nuns at their peril. Their PERIL.
dunno if you guys saw this but the order behind benedictine college was not super happy with harrison butker's comments
End of feed.