Rob Vaughan

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Rob Vaughan

An engineer in Bristol. I like cats and coffee

@[email protected]
[email protected]
Edited some streaming music playlists tonight. The TV was on, showing the footy, but I didn't look up much...
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
Doctor Who: We can go ANYWHERE in time and space! Also Doctor Who: Let's go to Wales again
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
I mean, even Nigel Farage turned up for the D Day stuff. And his side lost.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
How to paste in Word. Paste Undo Paste and match formatting
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
One of the toughest problems Microsoft has to solve is that Windows has to serve two very different types of users: business users who don't want this at all, and home users who don't want this at all.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
Firefox users now get an enhanced Twitter experience!! - zero dis/misinformation - zero hatespeech - zero abuse/trolls - zero Elon
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
I have tried to base my whole life on this one.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
As you can see, the rise in profanity on Taylor Swift albums (left) is having the unusual effect of causing a dramatic rise in installed solar power capacity.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
Hey, has anyone noticed the same people who argued we all HAD to come in and work in person are now saying we can be replaced by artificial intelligence housed in centralized datacenters?
Linkedin asked me this question recently. I'm an aerospace engineer, my CV details have been on their website for well over a decade. I was tempted to reply!
Went to see Othello at the Sam Wanamaker playhouse the other day, and we loved it. When the (matinee) play ended, this was the view from the door...
Didn't see this before. Here's my cat, shot last year on Kodak Gold 200, with a Pentax SV and 55mm/1.8, which may or may not be older than me...
A reminder that the best way to establish that you are who you say you are when you join BlueSky is to post a unique picture of your cat. #proofOfCat is the most valid form of ID
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
no it doesn't! falling sucks!!!!!!!
Reposted byAvatar Rob Vaughan
Getting suspicious that the reason the world is so bad for everyone right now is because we all ignored the chain emails in 2005 & didn't forward them to 10 of our closest friends.
Finally a day with nice weather - I can photograph the birds in the garden, while there's no leaves on the trees
Have yourself a Series 1 Christmas
Don’t completely buy all of this but there’s something in this argument 👇. The “mass surveillance” stuff was always overdone & confused with spying - not the same thing. Does AI change that? Bruce Schneier thinks so & is always worth a read whether you agree or not
The Internet Enabled Mass Surveillance. A.I. Will Enable Mass The internet enabled mass surveillance. A.I. will enable mass spying.
Had this account for a while, probably ought to post to it. Here's a very, very old library.
End of feed.