
Man, at what point do we start to wonder if all of the detransition panic is adults who regret their prior life choices projecting that dissatisfaction onto trans people?
We're now at the "Schroedinger's Detransitioners" phase of this conspiracy. Kids don't say they regret transitioning because it's too early to tell and adults don't say they regret transitioning because they've been trans for so long they can't switch back.
There’s a real undertone of “We can’t say they don’t regret things because my own life is filled with regret. They just haven’t lived long enough!”
in the UK at least there's a real streak of "things were hard for me so I want things to be at least as hard for the next generation after me, if they have a better life it will make me feel bad" that runs through our culture like poison
homophobia/transphobia has always depended on regret for fuel. if there's one thing that can send an already-broken individual into a fervor it's realizing they were wrong to bury their desires to appease the people around them. no one who gave up wants to find out they didn't have to.
Yeah, something that always struck me was preachers et al describing homosexuality as a temptation of sin. Like buddy if you're tempted, guess what
I regret not being born into generational wealth, where's my army of op-ed writers
I really think some of it is a profound sense of jealousy and bitterness that folks who transitioned did something extraordinary to better their lives. It's like they're mad a "cheat code" exists
Yep Seeing clear evidence that the shittiness of their own lives is a result of their own poor decisions and not because life is *inherently* shitty riles up a lot of people
Speaking of regretting choices, I dont think its a coincidence that anti-trans terf panic gripped the UK after they did Brexit
It's a real, "man, we really fucked up everyone's lives. Which minority group can we blame?" Playbook of the worst humanity has to offer.
I mean this was a pretty explicit theme of the JK Rowling essay from a couple years back
I don't wonder, I don't think even think this is it... I sincerely question the whole premise. I was first introduced to someone who had completed their transition in 2004. If this were a significant thing, we have seen it.
So, the window of time when a trans person can acknowledge regret is the same length as the window of edible ripeness of a cantaloupe? Is that what I’m hearing?
seems like that’s a lot of it tbh
I think we can safely say all conservative panics are projection.