
Continuing my series “what’s something good that happened on climate during and because of the Biden Administration”: the absolute exponential growth of grid scale battery storage. Barely existed before 2021. Now playing a big role soaking up solar & balancing grid.
Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the U.S. Uses They’re delivering solar power after dark in California and helping to stabilize grids in other states. And the technology is expanding rapidly.
how many dead palestinian kids did these batteries save in rafah yesterday?
Speaking positively of unrelated Biden policy is not endorsing what he's doing in Gaza. Harassing random strangers who aren't hurting anyone doesn't save any Palestinian kids either, it's just lashing out.
I'm sorry, I'm motivated by "ancient desires" and my puny brown brain can't handle such thorough dedication to the white man's propriety today. But tell me more, maybe one day I'll be smart enough to learn.
Anyone praising Joe Biden today is going to get a question about either dead kids in Rafah or what portion of my stupid little brain motivates me to hate Israelis, or both. You don't like it? Fuck the hell off honky, they weren't talking about your "ancient desires" today.
Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to give it the due consideration it deserves, especially today!
I wonder how unrelated Biden climate policies are to his policies regarding the US military.
You won't find me defending that, no.
No, I hope not, but in this context one might wonder exactly how net-postive Biden's 'climate' policies have been.
Seems like a fair argument. I'm not gonna defend Biden for aiding and abetting Israel in this genocidal war. Or hardly anything at all lately, given that fact. I just don't think hassling random people for mentioning Biden is a good idea.
The estimated difference in carbon emissions emitted by 2030 between a Biden or Trump victory in 2024 is 4 *billion* tonnes of CO2. What Israel is doing (and the US is materially supporting) is a humanitarian atrocity, but it is an environmental rounding error on the global scale.
Exclusive: Analysis predicts CO2 emissions would dramatically increase under Emissions could spike by 4 billion tonnes of CO2 by 2030 under a second Trump term, the research finds.
Not a day for cooler heads, my friend
It is what it is, I suppose.
You should examine your own life and your own privilege before you come at me.
dead kids > batteries for me, but I guess that's just my "ancient desires" talking again
It’s one thing to praise a possibly positive policy decision and an entirely different thing to be actively attempting to greenwash Biden’s climate record.
The "unrelated policy" Ramza speaks of is *genocide*, not school choice or something like that. I've had it up to here with liberals who fail to recognize the urgency and singularity of this moment.
I don't think it's denying the urgency of genocide to say it's pointless to jump on random people who mention Biden in passing without cursing his name. The fact that the cause is important doesn't justify literally every thing someone might decide to do.
The batteries didn’t free any hostages either. It’s because they are batteries.
Quick question: how are giant batteries going to save us
Quick answer: they allow us to use more intermittent renewable energy sources
They won’t, but they do make intermittent energy sources like wind and solar way more viable at scale. Like so much “good” climate news this is all stuff that would have been a good start 35 years ago, and now is just just depressingly inadequate.
Justifies staging a coup in Bolivia. And war is good for business
California makes more solar energy than it needs during the day. Without batteries, it’s wasted and we have to use dirty energy in the evening. With batteries, we can store the solar for when we need it. More clean energy, less dirty energy is good
we can fire them at rich peoples boats and mansions... wait, what kind of battery? 🙃
Well, you see, on my super yacht, I have 27,000 batteries. I just need Bolivia and I’ll be all saved.
I always thought California was going to make it happen with pumped water storage, but nope, it's the mass battery deployments!
Genuine question: Why doesn't the NYT give Biden any credit for his accomplishments? Why do they go out of their way to discount any actions he takes and the positive effects his actions have for Americans?
Trump is better for sales.
That and the bottom line for billionaire tax cheats.
The last hydropower projects were canceled in Finland because of the new options for grid balancing. Very nice!
Here's the article without the paywall:
Biden isn't mentioned in this article once. How is this his doing?
Huge part of this was Biden’s climate policy that made these cheaper
Biden Admin absolutely deserves some credit. Combo of falling prices, CA state regs, & the Inflation Reduction Act, which applied to anything put in service from 1/1/2022. Game changer: - Provided standalone battery credit for 1st time - energy community bonus - direct pay - justice credit w/ solar
pretty sure it's the Inflation Reduction Act which he campaigned for and signed
Mostly IIJA so far, but the unawareness of the two largest progressive climate funding bills in world history being passed under Biden is astounding