
If you know which predicts to look at from 2018-2022 in Virginia, it's pretty clear The Pentagon officer corps is switching parties en masse
Precincts full of workers for the national security and federal law enforcement three-letter agencies have, too
Enlisted men? *NEVER* as Republican as one would think--and less so now over the span of the same period They use to lean GOP but we're talking 55/45 not 70/30
The plural of anecdote isn't data, but one of my friends made recently is a vet from Iraq who saw some Shit, absolutely made his way out of the darkness as an angrier young man. You know the sort of people he really can't stand? Insurrectionists and Nazis.
Federal law enforcement (unlike certain local PDs) *cannot STAND* those people either I've known FBI agents--they're super square Dudely Do-Rights who hate law breakers and political extremists, period, left or right
Very 'Lawful Good' energy IOW and ofc federal law enforcement is the level of law enforcement with the least issues in this country
Prolly cause they got way higher standards to get in their ranks than what your local Donut Cops have to measure up to
The problem when your slogan becomes "ACAB" without a hint of irony is when you start slapping every authority figure under the status of "cop" and just sort of tip your hand by revealing the Bad Guys are Anyone Who Tells Me To Do Things.
Also it's just not true There are good PDs there are so-so ones and there are truly rotten ones It's a big country!!!
this entire up thread including the quoted one by dr davis is pure starshine thought hell yeag
Honestly way more worried about cops than the military, especially as every single polling place has cops in it by default.
absolutely and also i think addressing policing through a variety of attrition policies has limitations and will at some point get met with police coup on municipal or state government which you’ll want the army on your side to address
No polling place I've ever been in my life has cops. And after Harris was elected VP, a cascade of replacement elections had me voting close to 20 times in the next 18 months.
I've never been in a polling place with cops, either, and I've been voting for almost 50 years!
Oh. I think all of MA has them.
As a small data point I saw NYPD at the polling place the last time I went to vote in person in the last primary this year.
I've never seen this, in the decades I've been voting. Rural, urban, big city, small city, suburb, East Coast, Midwest, West Coast... Never.
I want to say in Maryland there may have been one bored cop asleep in the patrol vehicle
Ive worked several elections (I’m a blue voter in a VERY red area) and never seen a single cop except when they show up to vote. No uniforms, no weapons, & no hanging around, either.
Anecdotally I have two friends who are vets, Navy and Air Force, and they both fuckin despise Trump
Late to this thread but my lifelong conservative ex-Air Force cousin absolutely despises Trump because of his handling of the classified docs.
The only guy I know still enlisted, in the Navy, is closer to an anarchist than anything. Loves his job though. Strange guy, but his heart's in the right place.
My best friend since childhood is a Navy vet. Him and all of his military buddies I’ve met over the years are Democrats of the Yang-curious variety.
What do we know about the various national guards/state militias?
National Guard is pretty much just like active duty federal troops in this regard not really any daylight there
Hell a ton of them WERE active duty federal troops once upon a time
I think I have heard there is also a thing that they specifically did move more Republican in 2016 because this was the one demographic that was /genuinely/ pissed off over the Clinton email server thing?
Oh sounds very very plausible
I do think it's why VA was a contested state in 2016 but not 2020!
For what the anecdata is worth. my brother (Air Force, enlisted, nominally Republican but hasn't voted R for president since... Bush I, I think) was legitimately pissed off about the email server thing, but he hated Trump even more. He voted 3rd party in 2016 and Biden in 2020.
The head scratcher there is that she did the thing that Colin Powell advised her to do. Where was the same reax to him?
I mean, it's not really a head scratcher. I know why they didn't have the same reaction.
No, but in fairness no one knew it at the time.
Which party keeps fucking with their pay? That shit is wearing thin.
This. I don’t know about the troops but back in the 90s I know the NASA guys always voted against *whoever fucked the most with their funding*.
In my experience in federal civil service the federal civil service was always more Republican than I expected but also I am hoping Schedule F is something they hear about because they also don't like electeds messing around with federal civil service (I was USDA & Air Force civilian civil service)
Anecdotal, but the ROTC guys I know from Cornell, who were never all that liberal in the first place (one is VERY pro-Israel), absolutely hate Trump. Hate him.
They don't like it much but yeah they are being dragged over, particularly the younger ones and, to the extent I can tell (small sample size), flag officers. Then again there has always been a bigger chunk of liberal and outright leftist military members/veterans out there than people realize.
Look, you can be a progressive who likes to shoot machine guns and blow stuff up, and if you wanna get paid to do it the military’s the only game in town
Yeah. As a Texan, I hope this means we'll be able to shutdown Abbot's border stunting without too much hullabaloo soon; I know morale among the guards frogmarched into it is shockingly low; the only organizational enthusiasm seems to be from Abbot, ICE, and the regional NG commander |:T