So, while I won’t deny things a little grim out, I think some of us missed the importance that NYC found the money to fully fund NYPL, Queens, and Brooklyn libraries. These were on the ropes and they managed to turn it around. How did they do it? They were relentless.
I love how in a picture riddled with biological horror, the image generator still couldn’t get the pants correct and gave her a drawstring on top of the jeans.
farmer girl update: now from japane & slowly morphing her way into heironymous bosch’s garden of earthly delights
Going to kick them out so hard that we’re going to have a second Independence Day this year.
NYC COUNCIL RALLY TO SUPPORT LIBRARIES Sunday June 23 11:30 am Walt Whitman Library
Most NYers have no idea that libraries in the city have no more Sunday service and that libraries will close for another day if the current budget goes through. A 60 million cut to libraries while Adams proses a 200 million police "training" campus. Please connect the dots and REFUSE this bullshit.
Oh man, Rule 34 is going to be get very weird because of this.
Libraries and librarians are under attack in so many place in so many ways and I wanted to do something, so I made this image in support of them. You can download it or print it up to let folks know you support your libraries!
People who miss the experience of going to Blockbuster to browse the rows of VHS and DVD's- you may not realize this but most public libraries carry a selection of new and old films. You'd be surprised what you can find just by visiting a place that will loan you books. Support your local library.
Mayor Adams is proposing $58.3 million in budget cuts for NYPL libraries. Further cuts would mean even more service reductions, leading most branches to be open a mere five days a week. (Right now every branch in NYC is open six days a week).
Tell City Hall: No Cuts to Libraries! New York City leaders are finalizing NYC’s budget, and we need your help.
I am feeling at capacity at the moment. But in NYC, our public libraries have already canceled Sunday services. Now the budget proposed might lead to yet another day of closure. I can't express how devastating this is. And we need better organizing against this.
LEGO houses are nice to build, but they still aren’t affordable housing. I think that he’s the only one that didn’t enjoy the eclipse today…
Shaken, but not stirred.
apropos of some things, libraries are the best, librarians are the best, borrow as many books as you want from the library, fund libraries, thank you
Friends in NYC! Please use these forms from our public libraries to tell the mayor not to cut NYC library budgets! Pick your borough and fill out the form! Bronx/Manhattan/Staten Island: Brooklyn: Queens:
So wait, the story the NY state Dems are telling us is the subways of NYC are so dangerous they need to send in the troops, but they’re *not* firing the police chief or cops who are unable to keep them safe with $5.44 billion?
child, I promise you if you tell me which episode of Spidey and His Amazing Friends you would like to watch, I will put it on the television and cuddle with you you will like this better than throwing a whiny tantrum about being asked to tell me which episode you want please
the presidential debates should just be here’s a laptop first guy to connect to the wifi with no help wins
A full list of these Ludacris demands: 1. Move bitch 2. Get out the way 3. Get out the way bitch get out the way 4. Get back get back you don't know him like that 5. Get out his bizness his biz nass 6. Stay the fuck up out his biznass
Watching Google shutter things that actually worked, like Google Play Music, and now Google Podcasts, to turn them into YouTube Music is like someone coming into your kitchen who takes away your blender and kettle then lets you know you'll now only be able to boil water or blend things in your car.
An Open Letter to the Eleven Adults Responsible for the Majority of Book Bans in Schools
Gen Z and Millennials are using public libraries, both in person and digitally, at higher rates compared to older generations, according to a new report released by ALA.
So great to hear you’ve decided to take a stand against book censorship. Does this mean you’ll be dropping your lawsuit against libraries, too?
💥BANNED BOOKS NEWS 💥 Penguin Random House sues Iowa in an effort to halt censorship in America. Learn more here: #BannedBooks #ReadBannedBooks
Rest in peace Anthony Bourdain. You would have loved this news.
Librarians support skelebros, skelehos, skelemangs, skelerangs, baby bones, M. Boney, 12 ft skeletons, home grown, store bought, and even medical models. All bones are welcomed in this zone. It’s a good place to find some brains.