cpi.bsky.social follows

Jason Heiser
Jason Heiser
Minnesota-based web developer with too many hobbies and interests, some of which include movies, soundtracks, graphic design, vintage computing, physical fitness, electromechanical pinball, and progressive causes.
Jennifer R. Povey
Jennifer R. Povey
Author of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
writer and game designer. liberal, progressive liberal, neonliberal. associate editor at liberal currents. she/her.
We're a nonprofit interactive museum with an display of rare bagatelles & early pinballs with over 100(!) playable pins from the 1940’s to present day
I'm a furry pervert AND I VOTE.
Your friendly neighborhood mortician/pinball enthusiast/domestic zookeeper/moth-like cryptid. I'm very sleepy.


Matter is the minimum

Michael Hobbes
Michael Hobbes
Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
Alan Resnick
Alan Resnick
Foxhack / Dave Silva
Foxhack / Dave Silva
I used to hack games, now I try to write about them!

I have no idea what I'm doing
Joey Wawzonek
Joey Wawzonek

Michael Jackson, Carl Lewis, and Madonna can all be killed with one punch.
Writer at bumpcombat.net
sarah 🌸
sarah 🌸
big girl huge problems
Existential Comics
Existential Comics
A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also jokes.
Rory Blank (on vacation)
Rory Blank (on vacation)
Bone Jail

I draw comics i think that’s a nice way to spend my time

patreon.com/roryblank for my monthly print zine
roryblank.bigcartel.com for cool shirts
prints :: http://www.oliverleach.com/contactpurchase-inquiry
Jason Dyer
Jason Dyer
Game designer making mathematics and science interactive.

Patrick Denny
Patrick Denny
He/him. Web stuff. Dad stuff. Half decent sandwich maker. Poor Meatmail conduit. As little adulting as possible.
Jane Dryden
Jane Dryden
Philosophy prof in a tiny town in New Brunswick. Intellectual magpie writing about vulnerability, autonomy, disability, feminist philosophy, German idealism, gut microbiome, neurodiversity. she/her.
Zach Weinersmith
Zach Weinersmith
Christ jesus another platform.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ZachWeinersmith?ty=h
New book: http://www.acityonmars.com/
The Midnight Society
The Midnight Society
King, Lovecraft, Koontz, Poe, Barker & others telling stories round the campfire. Header by David Mumford. Three (3) x Hugo Nominee. Posts by Bitter Karella. www.midnightpals.com
dendy crew
dendy crew
music producer and 🐘. i went on the computer today. ½ of hell orbs. 日本語OK!
🎹: SEVEN's CODE, Rhythm Horizon, RAVON, Lanota
📧 [email protected]
🌐: www.dendycrew.com
🔗 https://linktr.ee/dendycrew
Julia Serano
Julia Serano
author of Whipping Girl, Sexed Up, Excluded & 99 Erics. also a musician & biologist. more at juliaserano.com. @juliaserano most other platforms. she/her
LeVar Burton
LeVar Burton
Kunta, Geordi, Reading Rainbow guy. Flies twice as high… #bydhttmwfi
Art & visual culture since 2010. https://www.thisiscolossal.com
Mike Rugnetta
Mike Rugnetta
🚫 https://neverpo.st 🐉 https://funcity.ventures 🪦 https://ripcorp.biz
Florence Ashley
Florence Ashley
Transfeminine jurist and bioethicist | Ass. prof at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law | Clerked at Supreme Court of Canada | www.florenceashley.com | they/them/that bitch
Space bird. Host and creator of Some More News, one half of a band called The Hot Shapes, doer of other stuff.
Amelinda Bérubé
Amelinda Bérubé
Writer, editor, terrifying bog witch, werewolf of productivity, oracle of Britannia 💀🍁 Three spooky YA books on shelves now! Latest: THE ONES WHO COME BACK HUNGRY She/her Rep: @desir.ee
Emoji Caresser
Emoji Caresser
Dave, Toronto, boring
Scott Danesi
Scott Danesi
Scott Danesi, machine engineer by day, signal processor by night. Powered by coffee and controlled voltage, he programs sound machines to do his bidding. Since the late 90's he has been practicing his craft of learning the language of the machines.
Stan Kelly
Stan Kelly
Legendary Editorial Cartoonist for The Onion for over 50 years.
"The Most Powerful Name in Cartooning" (TM)
Hank Green
Hank Green
Long Time Internet Guy
34 || FL || 🔞
I say the absolute dumbest shit please forgive me
America's Lounge Singer
America's Lounge Singer
hideous boy
Dale M
Dale M
Currently building CNC machines
LittleMxSurly, here reluctantly
LittleMxSurly, here reluctantly
Living in a cave since Twitter’s acquisition by a fascist. Faustian bargain hunter since 1996 (etc.)
Bowen Kerins
Bowen Kerins
I like math and pinball... rules designer at Barrels of Fun
Adam Conover
Adam Conover
I'm a comedian
ChrisⓋ WhyGameDev.com
ChrisⓋ WhyGameDev.com
I help people make their own computer games. GameDev since 97. HomeTeamGameDev founder/trainer. 370k video students, 10M YouTube views / 100k subs, 160k podcast downloads. Vegan since 02. Elsewhere: http://bento.me/chrisdeleon he/him
Bruce Arthur
Bruce Arthur
Toronto Star columnist, nice guy, jump shooter.
Julie S. Lalonde
Julie S. Lalonde
6x award-winning feminist buzzkill. Public educator. Franco-ontarienne. 🏳️‍🌈 Femme. I believe in high heels & high standards. Resilience is futile, babyyy✌🏻
Jairus Khan
Jairus Khan
Hacker, noisemaker, adversary, recovering goth.
Natalie Zed
Natalie Zed
Author of HENCH. She/her. Spec fic, videogames, heavy metal, horror, MMA, comics, TTRPGs, LARP. CanLit Tank Girl. Extremely unlikely. Rep'd by Ron Eckel at CookeMcDermid.
Haus of Decline
Haus of Decline
Hank of Decline
Podcast & Comics - http://hausofdecline.com
Patreon - http://patreon.com/hausofdecline
Store - http://store.hausofdecline.com
Gillian Branstetter
Gillian Branstetter
Kimya Dawson
Kimya Dawson
Songwriter. Doodler. Parent. Buoyant. https://linktr.ee/kimyadawson
Turbo Duo Lipa
Turbo Duo Lipa
At one point I made games and ran web sites

Justin Ling
Justin Ling
Freelance journalist. Contributing columnist to the Toronto Star, contributor to WIRED, Foreign Policy, etc. Writing a book about crowd control. The future is now, unfortunately. [email protected]
